College Basketball 2024-25 Offseason Discussion

The spacing is once again weird and not just bc KJ. Storr and Harris don’t really like to get up 3’s and I dk how good they are in catch and shoot.

And the bad spacing makes you wonder how Storr is going to be efficient bc one or both of the bigs will be near the rim. Seems like they’ll end up in a lot of my turn, your turn stuff w Hunter and Storr and neither will really be able to get out of the other’s way.

Storr doesn’t really love to play D. Not sure Mayo or Griffen can. Self hasn’t shown he understands how to play Hunter in drop, which leads to some really ugly moments on that end, even if they were pretty good on D last year.

Just seems like Self has given himself a tough puzzle and he’s gonna have to start shaving off bits of the pieces and mashing them down to get them to fit.


Adams, Harris, Hunter are just a weird core to build around. They’re all individual good to great players but just not enough juice together. Really needed one to leave and replace with a similar caliber but different player and they’d be a lot better

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I just think we’d have probably said similar stuff about their roster last year at this time.

Basically they replaced McCullar with Storr, Furphy with Griffen, Timberlake with Mayo, Elmark with Shak?

:man_shrugging: I’m sure they’ll be better than last year if they stay healthy, but I dunno.

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They definitely don’t complement each other very well and then they brought on Storr who doesn’t complement anybody.

Not that I have any names—they’re Kansas so I just assume they could do this—but if they had just brought on two 3 and D wings instead of Storr and Griffen, I think that works way better.

That’s probably short on creation but I dk, I think they’re better off just forcing the ball to Hunter than anything else they might do if that was the roster.

Griffen is basically J-A-S right? He fits as the Furphy replacement.

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So it’s not JJ? :thinking:

Feels pretty risky for Hurley to leave for that job. Lakers haven’t had a coach last longer than a couple years since Phil Jackson. Hurley has the best program in college basketball right now. I know these coaches are ultra competitive and want to test themselves, but there is no guarantee his coaching style works in the NBA and that he won’t be canned from that job within 2 years.

I guess the “massive” part of that tweet is doing a lot of work though. Wonder how massive we are talking to make it too good to pass up.




Damn that’s tectonic for the sport


Dan Murray gets the HC elevation?

To me, it makes sense for Hurley. He’s accomplished everything somebody would want to accomplish in college basketball coaching. Why not take a huge payday and get to coach one of the most storied franchises in NBA history? Leaving for Detroit would be risky for him, but worst case is he won back to back NCAA titles and was the head coach of the Los Angeles Lakers.


This late, that seems most likely

You would definitely think Luke Murray or Kimani Young, mostly just to try to hold the roster together.

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Also teams still reach out to Billy Donovan when they have an opening. If he truly wants back in the college game if he’s fired, he’ll be the #1 choice for almost any team

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If it’s a Woj Bomb like that, seems the likelihood he takes it is pretty high. I don’t think he’d tweet it if Hurley was on the fence.


Ok - what Uconn recruits need to jump now to :part_alternation_mark:? Paging McNeeley…?

Danny never hid just how much he despised the portal…

Mahaney? :eyes:


I’d guess this has more to do with the state of college sports. All coaches are fed up.