College Basketball 2024-25 Offseason Discussion

I wished it happened when I played baseball in HS. More scholarships for baseball is good but also would be much tougher to recruit against the southern schools obviously.

My one gripe with this is I hope it doesnā€™t lead to a bunch of mid-major players transferring up that are good contributors and then ride the bench as a 14th man on a upper level P5 team.

Basically I hope it doesnā€™t dilute mid-major hoops lol. Play big minutes somewhere instead of average 2mpg cashing checks on Bama

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I think I. The player empowerment era thatā€™s unlikely given that schools do t always even use the 13th scholarship. I suspect you will mostly see it used for rewarding a walk-on or maybe taking a flyer on a developmental guy.

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The roster limits are more likely to prevent this relative to the current NIL world. In football, big programs (like Michigan) can put players entirely on NIL and use scholarships to boost the roster size well beyond 85 scholarships and have ā€˜mid majorā€™ quality players in place of walk on spots that were more commonly low major. The same would happen in basketball in my opinion, if your top 5 guys are making $500k+ a year in NIL, why not pay tuition and housing that way making the starters walk-ons and then have 13 more scholarships to give out to mid major players with no limit on roster size. The overall roster size limit does the same thing scholarship limits used to do before NIL.

this is fascinating if it holds up(doubtful imo), if your basketball school like iu do you just say screw football and dump like 15mil in rev share in basketball

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Yeah, but Mark Pope! Yay 6-seed BYU R64 exit!

B4A and Pittā€¦ the rest are all buy-games :face_vomiting:

Sad that Georgetown is a buy game. Poor Ed Cooley.

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Heā€™s anything but poor!



Louisville playing at 7 tonight:

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Weā€™re starters. Khani seems to be in actual rotation. Pryor looks awesome

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Greg MF Gard baby


Chucky :chart_with_downwards_trend::bangbang:

(At this point heā€™s somewhere near the inner core)

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I hope Louisville paid Chucky a lot of money

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Full Louisville box.

Bahamas team played a ton of zone/matchup zone when I was watching which I think led to some of the crazy assist/3PA numbers.

Khani started like 1-8 and then hit some shots after I turned it off it looks like.

Traore is going to be super fun for them. Love his motor/passing/athleticism as Michigan fans will remember. He just canā€™t shoot.

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look heā€™s not named Efficientshoty Hepburn


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