College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

screw it… BIG Z IS AWESOME :rofl:

OH MY!!! Awesome moment for him and he’s going crazy!

I’m all for going the opposite direction and adopting the baseball approach. I want Juwan in a jersey and shorts. Sorry Jace, time to give up #25!

Little Tom can pick whatever number he wore up in Iron Mountain.


Duke lost! Always good when they lose. A small part of earth heals every time Duke loses.


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Well, oooops….

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It’s Tamar Bates fault they lost those games, clearly. Michigan definitely couldn’t use a multi year wing on its roster


Just pointing out that he’s scoring points in blowout losses and doesn’t rebound or defend.

Of course Michigan needs more players.

I just genuinely find a tweet hyping up someone’s transformational breakout based on scoring totals to be a bit hilarious when they are all in losses for a bad team.

Tominaga is a losing player 2.0

Bates is at 69% TS and a 12% TO rate, think we can all agree he’s probably pretty good. You’d have to be way worse than Jett on D to give that all back.


His DR% is almost half of Jett’s :rofl:

I don’t really watch the SEC so I haven’t watched them play, I’m just saying Missour looks truly horrible. 1.19 PPP allowed in SEC games, last in EFG% allowed,2nd to last in DR%, last in FTA/FGA.

The guy that could help Michigan (more) in that game was not Scoop Bates. (And yes, anyone could help Michigan too. I don’t disagree. Maybe even Cobi Campbell!)

And my original point wasn’t supposed to be about Michigan at all. It’s mostly the process of using points per game as a measuring stick that bothers me so much.

His PPG is backed up by his efficient shooting so I don’t really have a big problem with the idea that he’s broken out. That team seems like a mess but I’m far from convinced he’s not a winning player or something just bc he’s on a losing team.

I was way out on him and much preferred Nimari but clearly if we could’ve had both we should’ve taken him.

You should see Michigan’s results!

I don’t think I called him a losing player. I’m just saying that scoring empty points in losses without defending or rebounding or passing isn’t the sort of thing we need to hype up all the time.

I believe he went to Mizzou to be with his kid, right?

It would be like posting something about Terrance Williams after he scored 24 points in the game at the Palestra.

I genuinely wasn’t trying to make this a Michigan thing or something like that. Just found the tweet hilarious.

Scoop Bates is all the rage these days! Hop on the hype train before it’s too late!


Speaking of Missouri… Sort of a disaster for Dennis Gates, no? They were a fools gold 7 seed last year (negative EM in SEC games) and now are just a disaster in year two despite a few high-ish profile portal gets.

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Yeah I didn’t realize they had crashed so hard. I guess in retrospect the 180th in D thing should’ve been more of a warning sign. Hard to be that bad without effort issues considering they clearly had talent.

Hadn’t really looked at his resume bc I just assumed the bagged up thing meant he was a no go for us. Leonhard Hamilton assistant for a while, then was…fine? at Cleveland State? I’m sure there’s more story there but not a very obvious hire for a program w Mizzou’s aspirations? OTOH they seem to always make these kinds of hires.

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Building a team around a 5-10, 200 lb point guard without many/any real centers definitely limits you defensively, to be fair.

Seems like the approach/angle is definitely recruit bad defensive players who can score.

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