College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion


This is crazy

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What is going on in college bball tonight??

Ugh just came here to post that haha. Undisputed goat.

Another wacky thing lol

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Plus had a good ol court storm by a FAVORED team (Cincinnati). My most boomer take is that you can’t storm if you’re favored (some exceptions apply of course, like massive rivalry buzzer beaters or title winners).


This is one of the greatest Twitter accounts imaginable. Wow.

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Oats put his hands on a Missouri player. That game was really chippy as well.

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Jerome Tang doing it again 13-4, 3-1 in the Big 12.

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He is the GOAT

2 of the B12 wins are against the worst 2 teams in conference so not super sold on them yet. They’ve also won 5 games in OT, 5-0. 4 of those at home, which is helpful. We’ll see if they keep playing well, they’ve been kind of a disappointment based on their roster

Their next game is also OK St at home so they’re gonna be 14-4 and 4-1, but then the schedule gets really hard

5-0 in OT is objectively hilarious.

Baylor is a season saver/life boat team this year.

Right up there with the old school Johnhigginshair account

Memphis is 5th in WAB so I think it goes a bit beyond eye test. I’m fine with rankings being a mixture of “how good is this team” and “who have they beat.” Same with NCAA seeding. Memphis hasn’t beaten any great teams but they’ve beat quite a few solid ones

those three words to drive your partner wild…“5-0 close games”

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Good thing we beat OSU by 8 so Juwan didn’t have to coach in a close game!


Shades of our game vs. Wisconsin from a few years ago.

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There is nothing worse than a public reprimand. This will make him think twice about pushing an opposing player again

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Public reprimands are flying around now. This is a serious black eye on the sport.

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