College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

Lol I didn’t realize Curbelo was at Southern Miss now

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McNeese gets two guys

Nah we are far from no rules, the issue with all the rules right now in regards to nil is they all sit in the grey area so schools and players are each interpreting them differently. If pay for play is allowed you’ll see schools putting athletes under deals where they have to compete for the schools or theres big buyout penalties. Right now schools are writing the deals super lose because of the ncaa’s rules. Schools trying to abide by the spirit of the rules and not play in the grey areas(like most b1g schools) are being punished too.

i wonder, for no reason whatsoever, if they’ll enforce requirements like “you must have X credits to play if you have junior eligibility”


Are you saying Caleb Love is transferring here at this moment

This is a weird one:

90 minutes later:

Unrelated, but a good example of how people end up with transcripts lacking transferrable credits :rofl: “Intro to Public Speaking” … “Principles of Sport”

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Lord knows hiring Will Wade is indicative of possessing an abundance of caution for blowback.

Why does Will Wade even exist at this point? Pitino, Cal, Miller, Self - guys who cheated but also extremely good at building and running programs and coaching.

Will Wade’s entire competitive advantage is cheating! He’s not good at assembling a team or getting them to play like one!


I don’t understand why transfer rules are subject to federal intervention here.

Is any organization allowed to have any rules at all? Could you apply this to MHSAA as well?


I am not making this case personally.

But, I think the case is that there is no prohibition from a student leaving School A for School B as a history major or, like, writer for the school paper. They don’t need to sit out a year before participating in those activities. So why must an athlete? The answer is the NCAA - an organization staffed and run by schools, decided that in these specific cases, the student cannot have full freedom of movement. That is collusion between the member schools.

Now THIS IS me:

I don’t like it, I don’t like how college sports are going, this is going to further the trend of college sports becoming professional just without contracts stipulating years of service in return for pay. I think, however, the sin here is not the destruction of the old regime, but the fact the old regime (we are going to make millions and millions of dollars from amateur sports without renumerating the athletes) existed. Does it make sense for a State’s flagship university to be involved in running a high professionalized sports franchise?


My argument against that would be because the NCAA is an organization that is allowed to freely associate? Is the NCAA not allowed to limit who can play in their games at all? Someone enrolled in School A is allowed to write an article for School B’s newspaper. So why can’t Dug play for MSU while still enrolled at UM? Someone who has a 0 GPA is allowed to write for the newspaper, so why can’t a 0 GPA athlete?

I just don’t think there’s any real legal argument besides “The NCAA is allowed to freely associate and have rules, because in America people have rights to associate with who they choose, and the argument against it seems to be against the concept of any organization having rules in general.”

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I tihnk in this case the student who wants to transfer to Syracause to take advantage of like braodcast journalism opportunities and the person who wants to transfer wherever have both been accepted by the school (so the don’t have 0 GPA’s presumably). The newspaper can choose who to have on staff, the basketball can choose who to have on roster. But other member schools don’t to choose for you.

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hahahahaha holy s***

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The entire NCAA system was built on a house of cards associated with amateurism. That wasn’t a huge deal 100 years ago when pro sports were smaller in scale and salary. Even then people broke rules on eligibility, pay for play, etc.

In this era when billions of dollars are being thrown around and the NCAA is still taking massive advantage of these kids? And we’re in a crazy era of litigious behavior? And the NCAA loses in court 100% of the time? Disaster.

There’s no reason to allow total 1-year free agency in the sport. Total chaos. If anything the NCAA should actually start thinking about a future where they go essentially professional with contracts, benefits, insurance, whatever. The wild thing is that we’re almost at the point where NCAA athletes have more freedom than any pro athlete.

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2700 current players in the CFB portal. I am sure it will grow much larger in the next few days.

Why is the NCAA allowed to regulate that you need to dribble the basketball on the court or it’s a travel? The video game development club doesn’t need to dribble a computer when they walk around.

idk man, I can’t get over how dumb this transfer ruling is lol


It’s absurd. Burning the whole thing down because a few coaches were mad that they couldn’t bend the rules to suit themselves. Going to be a mess.

Saw it pointed out that things like transfer windows won’t matter now either. Since that was for the one time waiver.


Chicago State up 3 on NW with a minute left… really bad for Michigan but also it’s really funny. Supposedly this would be NW’s first home win as a ranked team in like 50 years or something???