College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

Kyle smith is interesting. Wash st is a dump and he got them ok pretty quick.

Love Niko.
Love dusty

why do you say that? I don’t think he’s great but he’s stable and OU looks really good this year

He’s been slaughtered by NIL attrition and still kept things afloat. Think he’s an underrated candidate due to that.

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you talk about valuable experience

Who would you rather hire?

  • A real coach named Kyle Smith
  • A guy I just made up named Chuck Pingus
0 voters

I think Coach Pingus could get this program to be a 100% meme. If you can’t win, at least be memeable.

i took a bunch of classes at city college of sf, which is across the street from archbishop riordan, when i was around 30 years old. i would often be walking to class amongst a ton of high schoolers walking to school. felt weird!


Hunter suspended 3 games

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Thinking you might have gotten got.

Omg I can’t believe I got got by Jom Rothstein. This is extraordinarily embarrassing

Coaches shouldn’t be paying attention to the NET in December, JRBBracketology.


Trilly overtook Slater this off-season for #1 gif insider and it’s not even close… not a big loss for the Twitter high school bball gif community

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Did Slater have to take the Thunder job because Trilly was stealing his shine? People are talking. :joy:

In all seriousness, I think Trilly is a much more earnest insider. True ball lover more than tea lover. Big fan of both guys though.


Anyone know what is wrong with John Tonje at Missouri? Liked his game and he seems to have the Isaiah Mosley treatment as a transfer.

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Need ya’ll to check for Jom Rothstein tweets before posting them.

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Bama / Purdue is super sloppy. Sheesh. Edey talking mad trash though