College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

They look ok right now. Just turned it on.

Forgot all about Bittle. Not familiar with some of these other guys though.

Anybody watch Zeb?

Wouldn’t be surprised if Michigan hoops has one of these this year


Come on, we’re not going to retire Isaiah Barnes’ number, at least not right away.:rofl:


Is that a hint based on Maize Rage insider information?



I have no idea who it is, but I’ve heard it sounds like there’s a good chance someone’s get retired this season. lol that’s all I know. My personal guess or the only two logical ones would be #3 for Trey or #00 for Naz Hillmon


There isn’t a retired women’s jersey right?

That would be cool if it was Naz


Naz is in Australia right now. I don’t know how long their season is, though.

Antonio Reeves getting goods reps in before he portals mid-season to Michigan and saves us


Andrew Dakich? So his dad can be there.

McNeese St is 88th in Kenpom right now and still have lots of injuries. Will Wade…

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Terrifying lol. You just know that game is gonna be like 58-56 with 10 minutes left

……is a loser.

Interesting to see where NET rankings come out. UNC-A is closer to Q4 than Q3 right now, but McNeese could move all the way up to Q2 if they are going to throttle top 100 teams like UAB. Maybe finish the year 2-0 Q4 (YSU, EMI) and 3-1 Q3 (LBSU, UNC-A, Minn, PSU). Less games played in those quadrants helps the resume a ton. I was hoping PSU would over perform this year and maybe sneak into top 75, but so far that seems pretty unlikely.

This is really interesting if it’s on the men’s side. They haven’t done anything past 89 and the whole Fab Five situation is a bit awkward. You could certainly make a case to retire Webber’s 4 but that feels highly unlikely. Personally, I would skip the whole Fab Five and put Trey’s number in the rafters and be done with it but I’m not sure Juwan would see it that way.


As much as I want any of the Fab Five players’ numbers retired, it’s hard because their individual accolades in college aren’t at an insane level. It almost seems like if they are ever recognized, it will be a re-raising of the Final 4 banners and some ceremonial “Fab Five” Jersey.

I’m good with Trey, though I hate that Simpson came through so quickly after and gave the number some extra meaning. I suppose that’s the best argument for retiring Naz now?


Historically I think Michigan has been extremely slow to retire numbers. Need some better historians than myself but I’m guessing this wouldn’t be the first situation where someone came after and was really good with that number. It would be cool to see them do them more quickly though.

Well I guess Cazzie is really the only “retired” number, the rest are just honored… so there are definitely examples. I can’t figure out if Michigan has been slow, or selective? It was the Amaker era that they went nuts honoring a jersey a year…before that, it was just 33 up there.

I’ll be very curious what happens here!

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I think waiting makes sense. I was weirded out by Iowa retiring Garza’s the next year. Makes it a little less special imo. 10 years is probably too long but 5-6 is the sweet spot

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