College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

Ithiel Horton too looks like a beast

I still think we dodged massive bullets on Love and Perez


Perez for sure.


Gonzaga hasn’t played yet, but have to assume Nembhard and Ike will be on this list soon.

Would still gladly take Reeves :disappointed:


Love would be like going all in with A, K pre flop. Perez is more like going all in with a pair of 3s.

Love would have been a really good gamble and has the talent to come good. I think he will have a really good year.

Perez would have been a major reach.


Yes. And there are like 5 schools that meet that criteria. Most schools are not going to actually land classes full of five star future NBA players every year.

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Agree. I just know committing to build around Love directly destroys the ability to build around Dug. And we are in a warm happy safe space now


I don’t know if that’s really true to be honest. This team really needs a real two guard!

There’s a middle ground between “Dug cook for 40 minutes” and “Dug has no room to grow”.


Let’s take a mid-season inventory on how Dug, RJ Davis, and Kylan Boswell look

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I am still pro-Love. Think it could work and I’d like our potential with him a lot. Will be watching him close. Perez was stinky and was pure desperation


All in on Love going crazy in Cameron tomorrow though. Just for the jokes.


On how they look, or on how Arizona, Michigan and UNC look? :thinking:

I think Arizona could be very good still if Lloyd successfully manages Love without Love being in the featured offensive engine role. But that’s impeccably hard to do and keep the locker room IMO.

If Love is their featured guy while Ballo, Boswell, Larsson, Johnson combined shoot less shots than Love does, I do not think they’ll be great

The by far most likely scenario IMO is that Arizona is the best team, Love looks better with better coaching and without Love as a scapegoat everyone realizes who should have been the scapegoat all along in Chapel Hill.


Such a big upgrade for the Tigers!

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It’s all relative is what I’m saying.

That’s a lot of praise for Tommy Lloyd at this point. Kerr Kriisa was the scapegoat there during their bad moments and not Tommy?

so I just had a thought on this and with the Illinois kid transferring, but redshirting is something that should start happening more now after going out of style for a while. It might not benefit the school ultimately, but for the player it could be a good deal. It essentially allows a second free transfer potentially, and grad transfers are gonna be very popular NIL candidates.

Youssef for example 100% should have redshirted last year.