College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

IIRC, Goodman has plenty of negative to say about Hunter as apart of his dislike for Michigan. So this without additional context looks kind of insane.


I think Goodman weaseled his way into a relationship with Hunter during his portal saga so he could get all the info and be the one breaking all the news

Either way I personally dislike Goodman

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Hunter was much better at Michigan… almost like his coach knew what to do with him, even when he was surrounded by a couple of the least experienced teams in D1 ball… as opposed to the vast experience (and talent) surrounding him now.

Forgot that Wilhelm Breidenbach transferred to Washington. He got the start for them in an exhibition. Big Ten early flavor at Washington with Mulcahy and Breidenbach.


I can only assume that Washington is going to be terrible if he’s their starting 5.

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I think that Braxton Meah will be, looks like he DNP. Actually some really fun mid-major guys on that team like Moses Wood and Calamese.

Hunter causing spacing issues? No way!

Let me rephrase…

Goodman, like a lot of other ‘journalists’ out there, have found the shock jock route gets them the most clicks nowadays. Somehow trolling has become an acceptable form of media.


I mean, it’s not Hunter causing spacing issues. It’s the players around him. There were no spacing issues when Mike Smith, Eli Brooks, Franz, Livers and Chaundee were playing with him.

However, the problem is that if you want to play through Hunter, you need some shooters around him. Kansas may not have that.


Yeah, Adams at the 4 is a huge problem from a spacing perspective

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And they seem to want him to play Not Drop ball screen coverage and that’s going like it’s always gone. Gonna take a minute before they figure this out.

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I just hope they stick to the idea of using him like Jokic. I want to laugh at that a lot.

Nothing they did looked like Jokic style high post stuff to me. A decent amount of high low with Hunter low. Not really taking advantage of anything else he can do. Wasn’t watching that close tho.

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Got it. I didn’t watch. The stuff about Kansas recruiting him to pay like Jokic always cracked me up. His passing isn’t in the same universe as Jokic.

No RayJ if I’m reading that correctly. Injury?

Yep, I assume some sort of knock. Guys sit out scrimmages for less than they’d sit out a game obviously.

Pullin hit the game winner vs. Miami and is also suspended the first couple of weeks of the season FWIW (due to playing at Portsmouth). Could impact rotations a bit, or maybe Clayton is that much better. I guess we’ll see.

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Every TV commentator would always tell how great of a passer HD was. All I saw was HD getting double or triple teamed in the post and firing a pass high or wide to the corner requiring Jett or Joey or whoever to corral the errant pass and lose the chance for a catch and shoot. HD was also the worse outlet passer of any Michigan big man in recent history.

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