College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

Seems like Holloway is involved with UL.

What’s that thing about taking a coach from their alma mater?

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I believe he’s interviewing today, right? Supposedly Seton Hall’s admin situation is a mess.


Yeah that’s the word. I think Goodman said he’d bet on it happening. Didn’t know anything about SH’s issues though. That’s unfortunate.

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Very bad tidings

Very unfortunate

With Cuonzo to Mo State it seems like the rumors that the NW Missouri State guy going to Ok State may be true.

I know NW Missouri State is a top D2 program (maybe the top?), but that’s still quite a jump to high major D1.

Yeah, that’s a HUGE jump but I kind of like it

Feels a lot better to be on the other side of this stuff now, with our coaching situation secure.

do u think it’s fair and accurate to say Washington State hoops is probably dead and perhaps forever dead?

You might be on their coaching vacancy short list!

that would be interesting!

Having been to WSU. Yes. Who wants to play for a school that isn’t in P5 conference and their campus is in the middle of nowhere? They might as well start their rivalry with Idaho which isn’t far of a drive from the WSU campus.

The airport is one of the tiniest airports I’ve ever visited.

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it’s less dead than their football program I’d think

No. Just gotta find another yung kyle

Would have been nice 4 years ago so we could have seen Todd. Wonder how he does on that team.

This UL search is such a disaster


I like Lil Pitino more than most but that would be arguably the single worst setup in the country for expectations

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Well I’m going to have to root for this because it would be utterly hysterical