College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

He’s incredible

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NC State playing themselves into the tourney??

My poor fighting tony Bennetts

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Shouldn’t have coached them to miss the front end of a 1-and-1 when they were up by 3 with 6 seconds left. I also didn’t really understand the strategy of telling them to miss two flagrant foul FTs when they were up 5 with a minute left.


Yeah, UVA should be in the chip game, but NCSU is apparently the luckiest team of the day lol

Gotta make your free throws


Probably in more ways than one.

Dana Altman is doing things again.

Turnip you up for Medved vs Pitino???

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He’s bizarro Beilein.

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If you want to hate on Medved, watch CSU get punked by Richard Pitino. They absolutely look like a team w 3 sub-D1 transfers against Pitino’s athletes.

Enjoy this scroll through, it’s worth it:

Played real hard to grind their way back to even after getting down 11-0. They’re def showing toughness and effort. Still not generating open shots but the hustle is making just enough plays.

Refs letting them play prob works against them too.

How tf does Joel Scott ever score. Novak wo the jumper and he does it anyway.

Meanwhile Pitino has a bunch of chuckers who’ve all started to miss and do other dumb stuff.

CSU held scoreless the last nearly 7 min of the half, looked a lot like the early going. Have generated none of the freebies they consistently got vs Nevada. 6/19 from 2, 3/14 from 3.

Stevens looking very mortal, wonder if he’s sore or tired or something. Creating 0 separation rn.

Mostly just looks like a D that really locks in on Medved’s stuff puts their meh athleticism into focus. If they had more pure shotmaking they could maybe get a deep run going but it’s really a lot of Stevens plus system freebies on O.

They do really compete tho. They’re way better on D than they have any right to be and it’s bc they cover for each other and make multiple efforts.

I am way under my Medved slander quota lately but every time I watch this team I feel like there’s a sizable scoring drought at some point and it leaves me very confused on the whole offensive genius side of him that is supposedly the whole sell

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I hope Bedhead signs a 40 year extension this weekend

This team in particular just does not have enough shooting to be a very good offense.

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Just checked to see what they’re shooting and my goodness

Conference tourney semi and your starting guard trio is 0-16 from the floor? Wooooooooooof*

*editor’s note this bails Niko out entirely cuz players just gotta make shots