College Basketball 2021-22 Open Discussion

Future opponent UCF up 10 @ Miami (YTM) with 12 min to go in the 2nd


UCF is legit. IIRC they are actually projected to beat us on KP/BT

Not BT, but we’re only a 1.6 point favorite so it’s close.

Ewing’s whole tenure has been filled with constant transfers. Not sure why but it’s likely the reason he will not last long.


Yeah, thats disappointing for them to follow up winning the conference tournament by seemingly being right back to what they have been. Agree he won’t be able to last long if the transfers and questionable losses continue.

I’ve always had a soft spot for UCLA and then my brother went there so they became my PAC team and I legit root for them and go out of my way to watch them play.

I could not stand it. Was so mad watching them. Until those guys are gone I don’t think I’ll be able to watch them happily.

Sports…are confusing.


They really outshot their shooting talent I thought. Could not make anything inside, partly bc the game was reffed like it was the 90s but also they just don’t have athletes who can fight through traffic and put the ball in the basket. They’re well coached but thought UCLA clearly better.

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Agree about the overall athleticism but I couldn’t help think Michigan’s wing situation on D isn’t looking hot.

UCLA is one of those teams that gives itself a high floor bc they can play super low turnover ball and make a decent chunk of their isos. I don’t really love their guys but they can usually find a mismatch. Juzang is a special shot maker and depending on match up the other guys chip in. People love Jaquez but Franz erased him bc he relies on getting physical. I think the way to beat them is to make them pass to find shooters. Load to the ball and see if they can unlock it.

Jay Wright has a phobia about playing freshmen in any meaningful situation. Hence, Chris Arcidiacono.

Angelo Brizzi would’ve been good for at least an 800 point boost, let’s not kid ourselves.

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Arcidiacono is really, really bad. Baird might not even be the right comp, too generous. Sorry for the cross-sport PTSD but it’s more like Don Brown playing Adam Shibley at LB last year.


Can you not.


Campbell up 10 to Duke :eyes::eyes:

Let’s go Zags

Didn’t stay up for the Nova UCLA game last night. Hope I get a good game tonight.

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Timme is going off…

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What is Texas doing on offense? Very weird flow/sets

It’s pretty easy to see why it’s hard for Gonzaga to get top teams to come to Spokane…


Carr hooping with one shoe?


A lot of guys that need a lot of dribbles.