Chris Webber

My first reaction is that that’s a bit rich coming from a guy who so aggressively distanced himself from it and from his teammates.

I softened when he said it was difficult to revisit and helped him personally, even if that was marketingspeak. Take the following with a grain of salt as it is just my own dime-store psychology, but the time-out was the defining moment in his life, and he was just never quite the same afterward, even before the scandal. As great as he was in the NBA before injuries, I just always got the sense that he could have been greater but that the thing loomed over time.

I’d sure love for the guy to make peace with it, even if I’m also not sure there’s an active place for him here as anything more than an alumni you spot in the stands every now and again. I do believe in the holier-than-thou stuff when it comes to Michigan athletics. I don’t want to see the Fab banners going back up because those wins were vacated.


Incorrect. Lying to a federal agent or in a grand jury is a felony. In any event are we really splitting hairs about this?


I would not be surprised if this is true. I expect that it’d be true for a lot of us had we experienced it. I’m sure he was handed a lot of excrement for that play.

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I’ve always like Chris Webber in spite of his human frailties. One great basketball player; that is for sure. I’ve always been a bit confused by his unselfishness on the basketball court, in contrast to his seemingly selfish behavior off the court. He was my favorite of the Fab 5. That being said, I’m highly unlikely to watch whatever it is he’s putting together. I haven’t watched the the other Fab Five docudrama either


I hadn’t opened this thread before so it took me to the top. Pretty funny to read given the above story.

That’s not how the US legal system works lol. If he wasn’t convicted of a felony then he’s not a convicted felon. You can’t say someone is incorrect for saying he isn’t when he’s, like, not one. That’s like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy and thinking that makes it real.


:rofl: :rofl: Rabbit hole…


Like with many things in his life, his timing seems off. He’s 5 years too late.

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Unintentional self-satirizing performance art. Patrick should be ashamed of himself but that’s not going to happen.

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I know full well how the legal system works. I forgot that he plead to a lesser charge of contempt which can be either a felony or a misdemeanor. He was initially charged with several felonies.

But again we are splitting hairs here. He plead guilty to a crime and repeated lied about what he did and has zero respect for Michigan so I have zero respect for him.

Hey man, I’m just saying you can’t get mad at the other guy for pointing out that you were wrong :man_shrugging:

No need to be all feisty, we’re all Michigan fans here. Well except for the Rutgers dude I suppose. Who’s probably not in the mood to discuss anything right now😬


He was my favorite member of the group.