Big Ten Basketball 2021-22 Discussion

I don’t even know what a rapscallion is! No, I called him a…

a…and a …

Did you get that? Oh, wait my internet provider freakin’ cancelled me! :rage:


He knows how I feel. My silence speaks volumes


Become legend, Jamison Battle.

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Oh, my gosh, the B1G office read my post and deleted me! :laughing:


Minnesota. Not the smartest team around.

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The stench of Pitino takes a while to wear off

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Well, this just got interesting.


I really can’t stand Wisconsin…even without the stupidity Sunday. They are a mediocre team full of annoying players. They have an insane record in close games that feels impossible. (Bad words being muttered)


I don’t know if it’s really the case, but to me Wisconsin went from a program that has a dirty player and enables him and really loves to flop to, now, a program that maybe actually seems to consider trolling a part of the strategy. They all loved it. Clearly not all their players, but all their coaches and their AD and some of their players just were clearly a pig in shiite. Right in their element there. Ready to troll us off the court and as if that weren’t enough ready to get right on twitter and in a press conference and do it some more. Perhaps not a reflection of their program at this point in time or on that day, but maybe they always have been? Dunno.

Clearly though this is going to be a bad-blood matchup for a while. Gonna matter more to both teams. (Hunter, you don’t really want to make that the last time you play in that building, do you?)


I have zero respect for Wisconsin, and that includes their AD, not just their coaching staff and some of their players, after they refused to take any responsibility for what happened on Sunday. Instead, they and their AD tried to spin themselves, not as an instigator, but as a peacekeeper.

There is no accountability in Wisconsin’s basketball program right now. Don’t know if that has been the case for decades and, perhaps, started with Bo Ryan, or if it’s basically a Greg Gard and the current AD thing. I don’t know that, but I suspect it may be the case. Gard IS a Ryan disciple, after all. They are not worthy of my respect. At least admit your complicity, your shared responsibility, and vow to do better.

At least one of their assistants should have been suspended for at least a game, possibly two, and they should not have been allowed to claim, at least not with any credibility, that they were the victims and only trying to calm things down. They were not. At least two of their coaches were instigators during that ugly one minute and thirty-eight seconds. I’m convinced that one assistant, Krabbenhoft, came in looking to be a tough guy.

As for Krabbenhoft, go back and look at the way he played when he was at Wiscy as a player and you’ll realize that he is probably Brad Davison’s personal coach. He is NOT innocent. No respect for Wisconsin from me.


I don’t remember him as a player. Was he a nutshotter too?

:rofl: Silver is on a roll this morning!


We need the video montage for social media. That needs to appear. Brad Davison’s Greatest Hits. Joe Krabbenhof’s Greatest Hits. etc, etc.


didn’t know forearm shivers were allowed in a pick


That’s what we call a basketball play, sweatie.

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Apparently a week before that cheap shot he elbowed Iowa’s Matt Gatens in the head - though I can’t find video of it. I did find a message board thread from that week titled “Is Joe Krabbenhoft a goon?” and I can confidently say “yes…he is.”


Sweetie or sweaty? :slight_smile:


Brian Butch says Krabbenhoft got it right…


I get Iowa is some weird outlier given their blowouts but regardless I would not have expected them to be anywhere near the top in the pre-season.

Still not overly sold on them but have to give them credit for not being what most thought they would be.