Big Ten Basketball 2019-20 Discussion


Arch L. Smith


I love when Archie Miller, head coach in a high-major league, points out that his team has played against high-major teams since Dec. 3rd.

He never mentions that his team didn’t schedule a high-major game (or a road game) before Dec. 3rd!


If Cam Mack wasn’t suspended I would anticipate a loss to Nebraska on Wednesday for Archie

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Mack and Burke suspended. In Charlie Easley we trust.

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Both of these offenses are just terrible. Don’t care which team we play, I’d expect to win comfortably.

I’m starting to think this was sarcasm. I turned the game on when I read this post and am actively regretting it.

Nice follow-up dunk by Haaaarms.

what can I say I like close games of all flavors

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Is Mack suspended for the remainder of the season? (So, this weekend’s game plus their likely first round BTT loss)

Very Bobby Knightesque. Just needed a few curse words.

Both teams have looked horrible in this second half. Rutgers as always looks like a football team playing basketball.

Lots of bad spacing, chucking, loose balls etc… a lower level of play compared to the Wisconsin - Indiana game, or perhaps just far more disorganized. Painful to watch but I really don’t mind playing either of these teams.

Refs reward an absurd flop for Purdue.

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Not sure what replay the announcer is watching. How did Harper dip his shoulder when it stayed at the same 90° angle the whole time.?

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First thing I noticed was Haarms buzz cut

I prefer it. Previously I wasn’t sure if I was watching a basketball game or Rebel Without a Cause.

I think I’d rather get Purdue. Jacob Young’s intensity and Geo’s fluke shots scare me.

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PSU’s Watkins suspended yet again.

Every time he shoots I think that’s in. What a pure stroke.