2024 Olympic Basketball

Brazil qualifies. Greece beats Croatia. Canada opens against Greece on July 27th 3pm

Spain beats Bahamas, unfortunately. This version of Spain is super boring and old and not that good. But Bahamas lack of depth hurt them a lot today.

Last spot is between Puerto Rico and Lithuania

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Edgecombe will be a problem in CBB:

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Rudy Fernandez his 6th Olympics for Spain. That’s crazy.

Jose Alvarado is so fun. Carried Puerto Rico to the Olympics.

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Don’t forget about Will Wade and his boy Tremont Waters.


They lost to the select team yesterday. Win by 1 today

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I have to say that Flagg is holding on his own against the USA team. He’s only 17 and is playing like this? 6’10" who can guard 1-4 with shot-blocking ability is rare. His shooting is his weak point and it’s not that bad in this scrimmage.

EDIT: USA basketball must’ve found out and made them take it off public on their YT channel.


How did I not know he’s gonna be crazy young for his year too?! Dec 2006 birthday?!

EDIT: he looks to me like he’s giving up an inch or two to AD and Bam. He might not be done growing ofc, but interesting to note imo. Also yeah lol hasn’t quite filled out like those two just yet.

He reclassified from 2025

a lot of those guys do so bc they’re old already!

fwiw, reporters were allowed to watch 10 minutes of practice, which is what is generating these headlines.

Flagg looks good! I’m just saying maybe that and semi-annual “wow the select team is really pushing these guys!” headers are getting a little over heated (because they always do)

Cade was best player on the player on the court last year, supposedly.

Which is more exaggerated, the media talking about the select team, or Pistons fans talking about the latest acquisition?

It wasn’t the local peeps saying it. National peeps were saying that Cade was so good that they basically benched him to give the national team a chance.

Whatever happened between then and last season, it didn’t materialize but it’s hard to do with the roster that Weaver has put out for Cade and absence of coaching from Monty.

I know, I was just saying that “Select Team beats National Team, Player X shows out” is an annual thing.

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These are practices… right?

The Flagg thing is notable given the age difference, but Cade Cunningham – NBA starter and potential future star – outplaying a bunch of other pros in a practice setting isn’t really a meaningful datapoint :rofl:


Looks like he’s listed as 6’8 or 6’9 so I guess that tracks

It might’ve been meaningful since that Team USA squad finished 4th in the FIBA tourney they were practicing for. :rofl:


Cade is better than D Book and isn’t on Team USA :thinking:

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