Quick question about Winston. I don’t get how he’s ranked so high. I watch him and although effective and crafty, he just doesn’t jump out to me. I’m surprised he’s ranked so high. I actually think some of our other lower ranked targets could have more potential.
Quick question about Winston. I don't get how he's ranked so high. I watch him and although effective and crafty, he just doesn't jump out to me. I'm surprised he's ranked so high. I actually think some of our other lower ranked targets could have more potential.I've watched him a ton as a UDJ alum... Absurdly skilled. Great shooter from anywhere on the floor, very advanced ball handler, and amazing court vision and passing.
Will be a poor athlete in college, but you can get by without it. Not often you see a guard as complete as him.
Quick question about Winston. I don't get how he's ranked so high. I watch him and although effective and crafty, he just doesn't jump out to me. I'm surprised he's ranked so high. I actually think some of our other lower ranked targets could have more potential.I definitely don't rate Goodin as high as Winston. No left hand, not a good shooter, no in between game. Only advantage is athleticism (pretty good, not great) and on ball defense.
That may be true, but we all know skills are easier to develop than physical ability. There’s no changing your genetic makeup. Goodin has a higher ceiling.
I have to say just from initially scanning his list, I would hope we’re in pretty good shape. Florida would be my concern, but not sure if they were in on him before Donovan left/if that made any impact on his recruitment. Certainly wouldn’t mind another D-Mo type player.
Dad says Goodin would like to decide by December. That’s perfect for us. Winston will have decided long before that
Looks like there might be another target if Cassius doesn’t pick Michigan.
@JustCallmeBHunt: Could an offer from #Michigan be next for Detroit Renaissance 2016 PG Justin Turner?
The apparent widening of the 2016 PG net (Aiken, Goodin again, Turner) tells me two things:
The staff is determined to land a PG in the class.
I’m not feeling very confident in Winston.
I wouldn’t take much with respect to Winston’s recruitment. Sounds like the staff is doing their due diligence on a prospect from the state who really likes them – smart. Some notable quotes:
“They are just sorting things out, getting my transcripts together, and just seeing how things plays out. They are still recruiting Cassius, and see how things go this July period.”
"Of course, Turner will have to see what Winston does in the recruitment process, before he earns that offer from Michigan possibly. Winston is a top priority for the Wolverines, which Turner acknowledged, and understands. Still that doesn’t effect Turner, as he remains optimistic on his possible future as a Wolverine.
“Yes, Cassius is their No.1 priority, but they (Michigan coaches) said they love my game, and how they would love to have a PSL player on their team,” Turner said. “I know they are going to see what he does first, but who knows, maybe they can bring in both of us.”
Yes, they would only take a 2016 PG if they miss on Winston, but don’t forget that they are replacing both Spike AND Walton in the next two cycles.
Encouraged by the recent reversal of Goodin, especially since he dropped Louisville. Hope he’s a priority right now. Even if he’s not quite the HS PG that Winston is, his superior size and athleticism may be a better complement to a Huerter type - that is, if Battle is off the table. (This is assuming they find space for 2 more guys.)
Need some athleticism to avoid getting run out of the gym at Breslin, especially the way Izzo is recruiting right now.
While I’m not really blown away by Turner’s footage, good to see them actually considering a PSL guy for once. I still contend that Beilein could have made a first rounder out of Appling (not that this guy is anywhere near that level).
Damn, where’s Mattd, I miss his analysis
Damn, where's Mattd, I miss his analysis
Was actually wondering this… you out there MattD?
I am wondering this also. Hope he’s all right and just taking a break.
Matt still posts on the premium forums
What premium forums? So he just got tired of this board I guess?
Matt still posts on the premium forums
Is he consistent with his schtick over there?
Looks like there might be another target if Cassius doesn't pick Michigan.@JustCallmeBHunt: Could an offer from #Michigan be next for Detroit Renaissance 2016 PG Justin Turner?
Is he a better player at the point than Rahk?
Seems like we already have a 6’3" combo guard…
Looks like there might be another target if Cassius doesn't pick Michigan.@JustCallmeBHunt: Could an offer from #Michigan be next for Detroit Renaissance 2016 PG Justin Turner?
https://michiganpreps.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1780928Is he a better player at the point than Rahk?
Seems like we already have a 6’3" combo guard…
I really think that the coaches are just covering all their bases. Maybe the kid blows up and gets an offer if Winston goes elsewhere.
Rahk will be a junior when/if Turner arrives. I think this works well.
I like Turner’s approach to waiting on Winston’s decision.
I too would like to see a PSL kid on the roster. I hope Turner continues to improve and ends up in maize & blue