Matt, your argument is absurd. The only advantage Amaker's recruits had was in *rankings* alone. That's your only basis for saying they had more "raw talent." When they actually took the court, only a guy like Horton would have played much for JB's teams, and even he wasn't nearly as good as Burke or Morris. I'd also agree bigs like Hunter and Sims (who did nothing under Amaker's coaching) would have been good in JB's offense.
It’s funny, you accuse me of being a homer, but you’re the exact opposite - a whiny, critical, never happy fan no matter how good things are, and always ready to say “I told you so” at the slightest bit of adversity, in addition to engaging in constant exaggerated hyperbole to make your point. I think I spreak for 90% of this board when I say your act is ridiculous.
totally agree I bet Matt is one of those fans who just looks miserable at the games and refuses to cheer.
^^^^^^^this is what im talking about…some claim I am redundant, when the reality is people want to rehash things that are several days old, and I just respond.
In any event, not inclined to debate much over the holidays…Merry Christmas to all
One thing to think about when it comes to Levert, he is all about potential and that's what most NBA teams are looking for late in the first round. He could be a guy sent down to the D-League for stretches during his rookie year. Marcus Smart, James Young, and Tyler Ennis are all 1st rounders that have been sent to the D-League so far this year (more have gone too, can't think of other names).
As far as his decision goes, I think it’s a no-brainer to leave if you have a 1st round guarantee for a team. Hard to pass up several million dollars at any age, let alone a 20 year old. I believe he has a lot of Danny Green in him, even though Green was a 2nd round pick. It’s all about fit when it comes to having success early in a NBA career.
Everyone has a right to their opinion when it comes to Levert’s draft status. We have no idea what his family situation is like (maybe some of you do) and we don’t truly know what NBA teams think about it besides seeing what the mock drafts have for him. It’ll be interesting to see what he does. I think he should stay another year but I’m not him.
Not seeing Danny Green comparison at all. Caris is much more dynamic with the ball in terms of handle and changing direction at the same age. Green was strictly catch and shoot, and still is. Caris should leave if guaranteed a 1st rd spot, but I think his stock is declining by the day similar to GR3
Even before the thumb injury I didn’t necessarily think he was first round worthy.
Danny Green is also an elite defender, so he has that going for him.
Danny Green is an elite defender now, he was cut from SA twice for his lack of defense per Pop. Green wasn’t an elite defender at the same age.
Really? Well I guess you learn something new every day… I wonder what he did to become so great suddenly.
Matt, your argument is absurd. The only advantage Amaker's recruits had was in *rankings* alone. That's your only basis for saying they had more "raw talent." When they actually took the court, only a guy like Horton would have played much for JB's teams, and even he wasn't nearly as good as Burke or Morris. I'd also agree bigs like Hunter and Sims (who did nothing under Amaker's coaching) would have been good in JB's offense.
It’s funny, you accuse me of being a homer, but you’re the exact opposite - a whiny, critical, never happy fan no matter how good things are, and always ready to say “I told you so” at the slightest bit of adversity, in addition to engaging in constant exaggerated hyperbole to make your point. I think I spreak for 90% of this board when I say your act is ridiculous.
totally agree I bet Matt is one of those fans who just looks miserable at the games and refuses to cheer.
Caris probably should stay another year but kids in that situation rarely do. There will be enough people telling him he has a first round grade that he will be gone no matter what.
In another news, wtf is Bao Feng and why has it taken over the forum?
CBS Sports just released their first mock draft for 2015. They had Caris going #9, saying thst shooting is at a premium in this draft and he is one of the best jump shooters available. Whether you believe that or not, IMO Caris wanted to go last year and will certainly declare this year. He is thought of very highly by a lot of scouts, despite his shortcomings.
We’ll see. I like Caris a lot, but right now he’s got a lot to work on. I believe he’s shot something like 3-17 in his last two games - so I don’t know about the shooting part.
Realistically, a mock draft in December means very little, and Caris’ projection can’t be based on this year. From what I’ve seen, for example, guys like Blackmon Jr. and Booker should get drafted higher than Caris. And I’ll bet they’re not in that top 9.
There is not an early entrant that declares that doesn’t have something to work on. Caris ability to hit an open jumper is his marketable strength, and the asset that is most lacking from this draft class. I believe his 42% from three over the last 200 attempts belies a reliable sample size to project going forward. His idyllic size for a SG isn’t gonna hurt either. I’ll enjoy his last 20 games as a Wolverine ( great story ) and wish him good health and success going forward. He’s long gone, as he should be as a 1st rounder.
I think Chez correctly points out that Caris is a very good catch and shoot player. I think the bigger question is whether or not he is a good catch and shoot player from NBA 3 range…and whether a given team needs that type of role filled. Trey Burke was very good in college in catch and shoot scenarios …the NBA not so much. My objective opinion is that his stock will slip throughout the year, how much so, and whether it influences Caris’ decision are things we don’t know.
Caris is good at 1 thing, and below average in many other. I think he needs to prove he can finish at the rim a much better clip to really solidify the initial hype.
All the "experts" has Glen going in the same ranges last year too. The only thing we know right now is that we don't know anything.
The ‘experts’ had him in those ranges after his freshman season, but by the end of last season he was universally considered a second round pick at best.
Yeah, and at this time last year Glen was still projected high first round and nobody had Stauskas anywhere near the lottery. A lot of things can happen between now and June and we really have no idea what the landscape will look like at draft time.
Yeah, and at this time last year Glen was still projected high first round and nobody had Stauskas anywhere near the lottery. A lot of things can happen between now and June and we really have no idea what the landscape will look like at draft time.
That didn’t stop Glenn for declaring did it? Caris is gone just like Manny, Darius, Trey, Tim, Nick Glenn and Mitch before him. Guys don’t check their draft status two years in a row without declaring.
I know most think Winston is an MSU lean (I agree to a certain extent), but Pitt will be a player in this recruitment because of asst. coach Marlon Williamson, former director for the The Family. Williamson played for Cass Tech in the mid-late 90s and has strong ties to Detroit for obvious reasons.
Marquette and Pittsburgh in to see Cassius Winston tonight.
I saw on another board that the latest update with Thornton had us out of his top 4 and he said that he was not hearing from us much lately. How is that possible? This one has been trending the wrong way for a long time. Hopefully, we are least on good footing with Winston or another top pg.