Why No Bluiett Interest?

This has been discussed some, but I don’t totally understand why there has been no public interest between Michigan and Bluiett since his UCLA decommit. With Booker and Blackmon (and Bess) off the table, is there any chance Beilein gets this going again? If not, does anyone understand the reason why? Seems like there will be minutes available in 2014 and lots of minutes available in 2015.

It could be the coaches know something we don’t. Level of mutual interest, academics, whatever (though we have no reason to believe that). I think it’s simply that there would NOT be many minutes for a player with Bluietts skillset next year. Your depth chart at the 2/3 next year is

2: Stauskas/Levert
3: Irvin/Chatman

And I honestly see those four completely interchangeable at those 2 positions for next season. The interest in Blackmon/Booker is that they have reputations as shooters. Bluiett is wired to score, but is not pegged as “lights out shooter”. With Zak Irvin they already have someone who is “wired to score” and Chatman can fill the depth of the 2/3 as indicated in case of injury. It’s a shame that there isn’t more interest in Bluiett, I do like his game, but I can understand not putting more time in at this point when you could be focusing on getting a good SG in 2015.

He blew us off previously, cancelling a long-scheduled official which the coaches had already planned in order to visit UCLA. Beilein wants kids who want to play for Michigan.

He decides today.
We don’t need another guard. Especially since he isn’t versatile like Beilein likes.

He picked Xavier.