What do we think Dusty May’s long-term big man strategy will be?

We all know and love Vlad Goldin, who is a traditional big, and we look forward to seeing what Danny Wolf can do as more of a 5-out threat at the major level. But these guys have a limited shelf-life in terms of eligibility. What do you all think will be Dusty’s strategy in terms of big man play style going forward? Will it be catch-as-catch can in terms of who he is able to recruit and land? Or will he hone in on a more specific style and recruit to suit those needs?

Historically, he’s run a mix of both traditional and 5-out, so it’s hard to say what he will do going based on that. Are there any clues to be gleaned from who he has studied and worked under over the years? Does his early recruiting work at Michigan give any clues? There’s been such limited examples so far, so maybe that indicates he’s more of a small-ball kind of guy?

Personally, I think he suits his teams’ playstyles around the personnel more so than he recruits to a specific strategy, at least outside of guard play where he’s shown a tendency to go for size and prioritizes playmaking and shooting. With that in mind, I really feel like he could go in any direction with the big men, almost like a Brad Underwood (yuck) who can reinvent his philosophy from year to year and even within a season.

How are we all feeling in terms of the prototypical Dusty big man, or is there no such thing?


I guess it’s too early to tell and no one felt like speculating about it :joy:

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I don’t know, I feel like with the way bigs are used in the Big Ten, it may kind of force Dusty’s hand to at least keep around a traditional big or two. There’s no way he’ll be able to go completely with small ball, right?

I also think the fact that they want to play Wolf and Goldin together probably came about due to the recruiting timings, but it could possibly influence Dusty’s outlook going forward. If it works, maybe he brings in a twin towers look intentionally. But if it goes poorly, maybe it steers him away from the concept entirely. I guess we’ll have to see things play out and take it from there.

I think it’s too early to tell. Best guess is he just wants good players. Maybe he’s a little
More interested in having more size now that he’s in the BIG.

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Yeah, for sure. I’m particularly interested in the B1G influence here. They grow centers on trees around these parts.

Welp, thanks for entertaining the thought, @Boards. Looks like the board thinks it’s too early to know anything substantial and this is kind of pointless speculation. Can’t fault a guy for trying though lol

Edit: note to self: do this as a poll in the recruiting thread next time

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