Video & Quotes: Michigan press conference before Montana

Reporters are sometimes so neat. I would preferred Charles replied “don’t ask Butte-head questions that have zero relevance to the game.”

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The kids are truly a reflection of their coach who answers all questions with respect, EVEN when the questions are flat out stupid! :grinning:


Agreed. However, setting up questions to see if student athletes are oblivious or provide inaccurate answers pushes the boundary of solid journalistic taste, in my opinion. It’s not entertaining nor does it carry journalistic integrity. (But I realize also that’s a huge pet peeve of mine and it well could be accepted practice.)

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I’m assuming you’re talking about the stupid question, “Do you guys know anything about Montana?” I’m pretty sure that question came from a National Geographic reporter! :wink:

The other bothersome line is, “Charles, you transferred from Kentucky…?” Seriously? He’s “been gone from there forever!” :weary:

You are correct. Drives me nuts because, while I’m sure the reporters’ intents aren’t singularly spiteful or insidious, they ask it because they want to force-feed a funny moment, and it ends up being a potentially embarrassing moment for the student-athlete. I know Charles is above it, but I’ll be miffed for him.

Even picturing Charles in a Wildcat uniform doesn’t seem right. Maize and blue is the only one that fits.

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There was probably a collective eye roll in the room when that reporter asked about Kentucky. He’s been here for three years, I just don’t get how this is still a story. Good job by him though for not being rude to the reporter.