Video: Jay Wright recaps loss to Michigan

Jay Wright is so full of shit. He started two fifth year seniors. One got shutdown like an LA freeway watching OJ and we started 3 new players at tip.

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Honestly thought Wright was pretty fair in his assessments. Gave Michigan, and especially the defense, a lot of credit. He’s got a young team in relation to court time, as do we. Still think he is definitely one of those stand up guys, who runs a program in the right way and builds a positive culture.


J wright sounded like so many big ten coaches do after a JB beatdown. Tim Miles from 2 years ago and matt painter from last year really come to mind.

Definitely a fair assessment and gave Michigan a ton of credit throughout his responses.

Like Coach B, Jay Wright is a classy guy! “Whatever the final score was, It was NOT that close.” Jay Wright. And he IS right about that. So hard for him and his guys but he handled it with grace and class. I can see why he and JB are good friends. I have an idea Villanova will be a very good team before the end of the year.