So what is the deal with JMo?

I have always been a big Jordan Morgan fan. People rag on his athleticism, but I think he’s underrated in that regard. He has great feet, and is comfortable guarding far away from the basket. We used to see his athleticism manifest in the transition game as well, where he scored a lot of easy baskets just by beating his man down the floor.

I have never been a huge Jon Horford fan. I feel like he’s slow, has really bad hands (like, significantly worse than Morgan’s), and is very awkward on defense, especially far from the hoop.

That being said, even though I always advocate for more PT for Morgan and less for Horford, Horford played a really nice game yesterday (even though he had a few typical wtf moments). Overall, he was solid converting some buckets we needed and for every time Eliason made him look silly, he’d come back and make a really nice defensive play. On the other hand, every time Morgan comes in he misses a layup.

I feel like it’s getting harder for me to argue that Morgan should be playing more minutes. So, then, my question is: what has happened to JMo? As a freshman he led the big ten in FG% (I’m pretty sure. If he didn’t lead he was near the top). As a sophomore, he played 30+ minutes a game on a team that won the Big Ten Title. Obviously, he should be a kid you can win with. He scored 29(!!! can you even imagine that now?) points against a Northwestern team that finished right in the middle of the conference. He outplayed Jared Sullinger in one of the biggest home wins in the Beilein era.

During his freshman year with Darius running the point, I seriously suggested once that with some improvement in his range, he might play in the league one day. That’s pretty laughable now.

Now, when Morgan makes a baby hook from 5 feet, Dylan writes things like ‘Morgan made a surprising hook shot,’ or when he botches a layup ‘Morgan had some typical Morgan moments.’ Seriously what has happened to JMo? That baby hook thing used to be good at least 2 or 3 times per game. I love the kid and I really hope he pulls it together going into B10 play. McGary’s injury is a serious redemption shot for the kid, and I hope he makes the most out of it.

Throughout his career, Jordan has really been a product of his point guards. Morris was ridiculously good at getting the ball to the big man on the screen and roll so no surprise that was his best season.

Morgan is smart, he’s a good defender but he’s never developed the skill to play the four. At 6-foot-8, there’s only so much you can do at the five spot.

He’s had some good moments already this season with McGary out and I do think it’s a great chance for some redemption on his career. Even last year he was starting up until that nasty ankle sprain. That injury really set him back and then the blow of sitting on the bench in the NCAA tournament must have been very tough.

Will be interesting to watch him this year, obviously it’s huge that he came back now.

If Morgan were actually 6’8 rather than 6’6 I think the story would be a lot different. In this particular case, I honestly think 2 inches has that much of an impact.

Yea it seems strange JMO has plateaued but traditional big man ball is changing in my opinion. Not much back to the basket plays with the bigs as they are so quick and can run the floor. Bynum for example can’t find success against the quickness of the 7 footers.

Most of the action today has the big man moving so much and facing up vs. back to the hoop…look at the success B Griffin had this month. That’s why I think Ford is wrong about MM…he’s the new big who can dribble, run the floor and pass. Not many GM’s are going to pass on that skill set unless his back injury is serious. I can see him in the Boston Gardens.

Yea it seems strange JMO has plateaued but traditional big man ball is changing in my opinion. Not much back to the basket plays with the bigs as they are so quick and can run the floor. Bynum for example can't find success against the quickness of the 7 footers.

Most of the action today has the big man moving so much and facing up vs. back to the hoop…look at the success B Griffin had this month. That’s why I think Ford is wrong about MM…he’s the new big who can dribble, run the floor and pass. Not many GM’s are going to pass on that skill set unless his back injury is serious. I can see him in the Boston Gardens.

Have to disagree here, Bynum can find success against other 7 footers, he can’t success against his knees.

The concern with Mitch is his lack of post game in addition to athleticism. Mitch is never going to be the quickest or fastest big man on the court, but he does play with energy. In my opinion, if Mitch can develop a consistent 14-18 foot jumper he has the potential to be a less athletic David Lee.

You could be right on Bynum because he’s been hurt but really the guy has no motor. I watch the NBA and the pace of play is just so slow at times, makes me think that MM and his energy will be a positive factor. We’ll see how he matures and where his game is in a few years…it might take time to develop the jumper…look at Griffin.

Well, he looked kind of like vintage JMo in the Northwestern game. Of course Northwestern doesn’t mean a ton, but lets hope he builds on this.