One Shining Moment

Five-star shot by Kameron Chatman. He needed that, we needed that. Very happy for him.


He’s been playing well for weeks. Not sure why people are denying this. Maybe not five star but he’s improving

A lot of guys are improving. The team is improving. Many of our fans gave up, but Beilein and this team didn’t. I am happy for the team and very proud of them.

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Huge shot…should’ve been logging minutes weeks ago. Why JB is reluctant, I have no idea.

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Him and wagner are clearly are best bench guys. Watching Wagner test it up had me happy but bitter that we hadn’t seen him out there more.

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are we in now?

We have to be. The two extra slots are the icing.

Don’t think there is any doubt. We were 64 in RPI coming into today. Our RPI was likely going to improve even with a loss based on SOS bump, but with a win we’re likely up to mid 50s in RPI metric. Couple that with 4 top 50 wins and the initial buzz of a buzzer beating victory that will be played every 5mins on ESPN…we’re in.

Would love nothing more than another crack at MSU in the B10 championship game.


I agree! Good point. He seems more confident. His shot has more lift. Even his defense/rebounding has been improved. He plays slower and less explosive but he does a lot of small things. I hope he sticks around and keeps working hard.

Still why did Walton pass on his look up kick out. Hate to be negative but he put kam in a bad spot and passed on open three. Luckily kam was huge. Anyone worried Walton losing confidence in shot? He still played great d and passed well. Just think we need his scoring to make a run.

So happy for Kam. Been rooting for this kid as I mentioned in my previous posts but it must be so refreshing for him to see his hard work pay off.

Another thing to note - Kam was also the one who stole the ball from a driving Og, then came down and he hit that 3.

I thought for sure Dawkins was coming in when MAAR went out but the move really paid off for JB.



I thought the game was lost when Donnal inexplicably hesitated on that uncontested layup and ended up travelling. Nearly turned it off at that point – just seemed like the inevitable mental collapse was upon us once again. Then Robinson battled back and Chatman stepped up. On to Purdue.


I had to laugh when JB said " Kam hasn’t really been a good 3 point shooter until 2 weeks ago".

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So glad for Kam. Everyone around the program says he is one of the nicest kids you’ll ever meet and it killed me to see people literally saying they hope he transfers. What a great game.


Biggest shot for Michigan In years. I hope that shot turns his time at Michigan around, I really want him to succeed.


I agree. I want all of these kids who decide to accept offers here to succeed. Everyone develops differently. I think Kam is going to be one hell of an asset for us during his Jr and Sr campaigns. I’m thrilled he had his moment today.

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What about big Mo Wagner. What a game he had. He will be huge if we want to make a run.

I really feel like Kam and Aubrey should be swapping minutes shares. Kam brings consistent effort and isnt even close to the defensive liability that Aubrey is. Aubrey’s minutes should, and have lately, depend entirely on if he is hot from outside. He just doesnt bring much else to the table, right now.

Against Purdue I know chatman played more but I am not sure about Indiana. I’d agree, he definitely deserves more minutes. His confidence is at an all time high and hopefully it carries over v