No Kam Chatman in McD Game

No Kameron Chatman on the McDonald’s All-American roster. Michigan’s McD AA drought dates back to 2002.

I can’t remember the last time this wasn’t a showcase for blueblood programs, regardless of talent level or ranking. Not shocked.

All star games always favor elite athletes, more entertainment value which attracts a broader audience. Chatman is a very skilled player but not an elite athlete.

Sounds like youre describing Kyle Anderson, yet he was selected to play in the McD Game! Im upset Chatman and DJ Wilson were not on the Roster!

I’ve grown to like Wilson a bit more, but being upset that he’s not on the McD roster is a stretch, no?

Wilson had no chance.
Chatman had a chance but Jerry Meyer said he would probably be squeezed out because of depth at that position. Who knows. There were a couple kids on the roster that are there because of the schools they choose.

I don’t buy the depth argument because many of the players were multi-positional. It doesn’t matter because at the end of the day there play in college will decide just how good they are as prospects.