NCAA 2019: Michigan vs. Texas Tech Open Thread

Put Simpson on Moretti please. And someone hit a shot to wake everyone up.

Literally my exact thought when that went down

Michigan doesn’t beat itself. Usually.


Yikes! That is a bummer

Good night Irene.

Offense is gonna be too methodical for a rally. Defense is breaking down.

I would love to be wrong on this one.

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Lack of offense is showing up big time

Guess we’re gonna need to push Davis or De Nunez out to make room for that mormon kid from Washington because none of these guys are ready for the NBA.

Offense looks totally unprepared for the TT d.

When we’re at our best Simpson is at his. And he’s struggling. Must begin to reassert ourselves now or it’s definitely over.

Wild that Simpson going one on one to his one shot he can even attempt is the best shot we can get out of a timeout

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Worst game I’ve seen X play, sad

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Indeed. This has to be the worst game he’s played all season.

Dan Bonner can barely get out a sentence without tripping over his own words. How does this guy get paid to talk for a living?

Go back to m Live

Shit house tonight.

Well looks like we are gonna get run out of the gym now

Now they stop playing d as well,
Just aw bad a performance as one could have drawn up

Hopefully someone gets upset and they at least make a run. Show some fight. They’re completely flustered mentally.

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What a bizarre way of saying “Cole Bajema.”

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If yaklich leaves, please bring this scheme to AA, it’s evil

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