Michigan Ranked #21 (Up From 24) in ESPN's 2014 Recruiting Rankings


With the addition of D.J. Wilson, Michigan moves up to #21 in ESPN’s recruiting rankings. Where do you think Michigan’s 2014 class will end up when it’s all said and done? Personally, I think if Blackmon or Booker join, Michigan’s 2014 class will be a solid top 20 class. I think there’s too much undeclared star power left on the board though to get much higher than that. Top 10 is out of the question, top 15 is stretching it.

A class with Booker or Blackmon in it would be a very good group. Fills needs, two top-35 kids, tough to complain about that at all.

tough to complain about that at all.

Yes, I admit I was initially very skeptical about the prospects of the 2014 class. But while I don’t think it will rise to the levels of the 2013 class (which I think was perfectly filled for needs), it could be very solid with a combination of NBA players in a few years with longer term kids who will stay with the program.

Wilson’s rank will rise. He will be top 100 by the end of his senior year. I know some say we don’t pursue Bolden but if…

I agree Wilson’s rank will get better and I think the same can be said about Doyle. Doyle is still a 3 on some sites and I think he could easily make it to a 4 star on other sites.

I need to see a lot more from Doyle I guess. His height worries me. I would like us to pursue more quality at the 5. Need big Zimmerman, Stone, Thomas or a big time C in '15 to go with our wings/guards we have.

I still don’t understand the hesitation with Bolden

Interested to see what role Donnal plays this year. Word is he playing really well early on.

I need to see a lot more from Doyle I guess. His height worries me. I would like us to pursue more quality at the 5. Need big Zimmerman, Stone, Thomas or a big time C in '15 to go with our wings/guards we have.

I still don’t understand the hesitation with Bolden

Interested to see what role Donnal plays this year. Word is he playing really well early on.

Bolden hasn’t taken his ACT yet and can’t even visit until he does. He will be a late signee in April. His dad has visited Michigan and talked to the coaches. There’s nothing more we can do at the moment.