Michigan picked 9th in the Big Ten by Blue Ribbon College Basketball Yearbook

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Bart has Rutgers 18th in the country. Blue Ribbon has them 15th in the Big Ten. And I think I understand both cases.


Rutgers and Iowa missing the Big Ten Tournament is crazy talk IMO. I guess they have Rutgers in, Iowa out. Either way, I think those teams are too low.

So is Washington and USC in the top 10 I think, especially Washington.


Yep - those were the things that stuck out to me too. USC could be anything I suppose, but I’m doubtful. Washington? No way.

I also still don’t trust IU to be a favorite to win the conference. I can’t believe we blew that BTT tournament game against them and kept that program alive when it was floundering.

But the most surprising thing to me might have been seeing Caleb Love and Hunter Dickinson on the first team all-american team…just wild to think about those guys still being around.


Obviously they got into the NCAAT that year because of that game but I don’t think you can say that kept them alive when they were floundering. It was Year 1. No one is taking stock over an NCAAT win over Wyoming in the calculus about Woody right now.

I am not sold on IU, although they made a splash in the portal by bringing in better players. I think shooting will still be an issue for them and Woodson is not suddenly going to stop playing through the post. Ballo is a good center shooting less than 50% means he is a liability late in games. I see IU closer to 4-6.
I think the non-conference schedule will give Dusty a chance to see what lineups are best and he will be tighten up the team for conference games. I see Michigan in the 5-7 range of the conference.

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Lol, disrespectful. They will not finish that low. They will be closer to 1st than 10th . You could bet that

I’m not sure how quickly it gels but I really like the roster. It may lack a true go to blue chip player, but it feels like a team that has nice depth and balance and could have a lot of different guys hurt you in any given match up.

I’m pretty excited to see this team. If Dusty gets them to reach their potential it’s going to be a fun team and a good year.

Iowa at 16th is insanity! And I’m a Fran hater!

Was this list created by a relative of Andy Katz??

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Indiana to whoever is making pre season rankings:

a cartoon of spongebob asking how many times we have to teach you this lesson old man