Michigan Non-Revenue Sports 2022-23 (and '24!)

I know nothing about gymnastics, but I watched that championship meet, and seeing them close the title out on the balance beam was absolutely electric even if I didn’t know what exactly I was looking for.

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That was so stressful. And of course it had to come down to the beam as the last event…

I’ve photographed a few meets and felt similarly. I’d see an image that I really liked and wonder whether any points were deducted. Beyond “don’t wobble”, “don’t fall”, and “stick the landing”, I don’t notice many technical errors.

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Hockey is crazy frustrating because of the talent level, almost all the other teams ran into more talented teams. That’s not the case with hockey.


I know we’ve had 3 coaches in the last 5 years (and I don’t think our players were getting the bag) but I kind of feel like we’re the Kentucky of hockey right now.

Isn’t single elimination hockey also by far the most coin flippy of the sports?

Michigan IS the Kentucky of hockey which is an enviable position


Just gotta keep giving yourself a shot at it, which is where we are at right now. Michigan had a better team in 97 than they did in 96 or 98 but didn’t win.

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There are certainly far worse things to be. I’m just hoping they get another title soon, with all these 1st round picks they’re cranking out. It is nice that so many of them play two years. In a related question: are there any more Hughes brothers left?


Yes, college hockey is frustrating as all h-e-l-l

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I’ll take two, please, with a side of Fantillis.

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Sadly, much like the Wagners there aren’t any more Hughes…though they did add TJ Hughes (not related) to make us think they found another one and he’s pretty good. Honestly, I’m all for it - anyone named Hughes is worth a try…especially if we can find one that plays goalie.

Little bit of a present parallel to bball, where a serious chunk of the talent leaves to go pro each year and you’re very young.

A good day at The Hutch, and a Juwan-sighting (hanging with a VIP):


Speaking of softball, the Michigan Softball Academy is coming up on April 28th.

I hope this is okay to post about, Dylan.

The Academy is fundraiser for cancer research that Hutch started 14 years ago. It’s a ton of fun, you get to meet and be trained by the players, and there’s also a celebrity HR derby. Afterwards, there’s a social mixer (which you can go to without being in the academy part) in the Big House where there are some cool items to bid on, speeches, and a meal!
I’ve been a volunteer photographer for the last several years that it’s been in person. So, if you are attending, let me know and I’ll try to get a photo of you fielding, sliding, or hitting (or messing up).

For more info: Michigan Softball Academy | 
Hutch talks about it with Sam & Ira here:
008 - Hutch 040623 - Michigan Insider - Omny.fm

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It was a pretty cool day at Carol Hutchins Stadium today:

They dedicated the stadium to Coach Hutchins and then the team went out and exploded on #21 Northwestern, 15-0 (5 innings). It was quite the game, especially considering they lost in an 11-inning heartbreaker last night.


Full gallery here:

The Softball team got screwed today. Two blown calls in the 6th inning. If called correctly

that would’ve resulted in a 2-0 lead with runners on 2nd and 3rd, instead of 0-0 with 1 out and runners on 1st and 2nd.
Bonnie got tossed after the play at 2nd base.

Maybe Michigan doesn’t add on more runs and NW still gets 3 in the 7th and wins. Maybe…

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Where is replay when you need it? They showed both replays multiple times while pointing out that the umps definitely got it wrong. Was likely a game changer. And on our home field, to boot.

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