Projections for starting lineups this upcoming season generally are: Lleyllen, Bufkin, Twill, Jett, Hunter.
Past experience suggests that Juwan respects seniority, especially at the start of the season. Season 1: Austin started over Hunter. Season 2: Johns started over Diabate.
So it wouldn’t shock me to see Jace start the season as a forward spot.
austin and johns actually played major minutes before they started. jace has been warming hunter’s spot on the bench the last 2 years
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Jace doesn’t qualify as “seniority.” He has received very little playing time during his career. He will have a heck of a time seeing the floor over guys like TWill, Baker, Khayat and Tschetter, let alone starting.
I admit I do think senior Llewellyn will start over Lleyellen though
will start what? a podcast?
In my experience, fathers coaching their sons fall into one of two categories:
- Daddyball types, who use the team as a showcase for their son, and
- Coaches who do the exact opposite and end up particularly tough on their sons until they undoubtedly earn opportunities. Sometimes an assistant coach has to step up and encourage the head coach to play their kid at a particular position or give them more PT.
I’m guessing Juwan is more the latter than the former. I’d bet that it’s more likely both Howard boys start the season outside the starting lineup, although I expect Jett to break into the starting five before B1G play begins.
I don’t think Jace will start. I also don’t think he sees many minutes.
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You heard this here first too: Lleyellen will start strong but will fade as the season progresses and Llewellyn becomes more familiar.
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mmmm…we’re on a forum titled “UM Hoops”…
This post is very accurately titled, this is definitely the first time I have heard this
Too many open court turnovers may cause me to Lleyellen at my TV.
I too think Jace is a starter… the starter of this thread
Well, Jace didn’t start but he was first off the bench!