Interesting observation from tonight

Usage is based on when players are on the floor.

Yeah, just a little bit. IF anything happened AT ALL, it would be the gyres sickness in MAAR coming out. Just like everyone who watches Michigan games, our 2 best players are Irvin and Walton. I’m guessing he realizes that too

Hate each other or signs there’s some tension like I originally state?

The exaggerations that have been going on lately are are boarder line outrageous. “JB needs to pick up recruiting” is interpreted “JB should be fired immediately” by some around here. It’s comical.

Man, I wish I could come here and expect “JB needs to pick up recruiting” posts. Instead I get:

“We aren’t built for anything”
“We don’t have any self motivated players on the roster.”
“Bugs evolve faster than JB’s 4 spot”
“JB is recruiting the center position as if Michigan is coming off sanctions”
“JB’s so far past his prime it’s not even funny”
“Kam needs to transfer to a mid major.”

(And that’s just a sampling of the super reasonable posts I have to trudge threw from two minutes of perusing the quotes from one poster’s posts over the last ten days or so. With fans like these…)


And yes, “can’t you feel the tension between these guys” is straight up goofy desperation.

I like what you said. He is a leader on the court and that is huge for a pg. JB has said that Walton and Irvin have picked up the leadership roles once Caris and Spike went down.

I’m open to the idea that this could be a thing, but have never noticed a hint of it. Apart from the Peyton Place kind of inferences, though, a little competition is a good thing and happens on all teams, right? Happily, whether threatened or not, Zak has been able to knock down some very big shots for us in the closing moments of several recent games.

I’d give my eye teeth to know where Walton’s confidence in his shot went, though.

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You could be right and it could be nothing. Just wanted to see if anyone else noticed it.

I don’t see any of what you guys are talking about. I think you are reading too much into this and starting unfounded rumors.

You might be right. I regret expressing my opinion (a little bit) of what I thought I saw. I might be guilty of projecting my own irritation onto the situation, I don’t know. If the team does have chemistry issues regarding player roles and mutual support in those roles then that is something the coaches will address in the offseason. After thinking about it more I think I should cut more slack, in general, because it would not be unreasonable if players actually still are struggling to identify roles on the court in the wake of losing Spike and Caris. I have no doubt Spike and Caris were groomed to execute specific and important types of plays and in their absence there is a void and filling the void needs to be figured out over time–but it takes time. I do wonder, moving forward, which of the guards will be groomed by the coaching staff to execute the high PNR next year. I wonder which guard, moving forward, will be the go-to-guy in late clock situations because that was no doubt falling on Caris prior to his injury. If anything I wish I would have simply expressed my opinion that I would have preferred having the ball in MAAR’s hands, rather than Walton’s hands, in that specific situation against Tulsa.

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It’s the same crybaby “complain either way” stuff I dealt with pre-LeVert injury here. If LeVert didn’t defer more than he should, he was playing too much hero ball. If LeVert didn’t take control of the game and put the team on his back, he didn’t have enough “dog” or “alpha” in him.

If Walton and Irvin started deferring more, the same trolls would be making a thread about something else to cry about.


You’re dealing with a people who said they would prefer Matt Painter as a coach over Beilein. Let that sink in for a second.

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Whats that saying about MAAR’s passing ability that a forward that isn’t a creator had more assists in conference play that he did (59 to 42)?

Obviously MAAR isn’t a creator in the same mold as Stauskas to where he consistently gets teammates easy buckets. He tends to create buckets for himself off the bounce. That being said, If I had to choose one, I’d rather have the guy that can create for himself because that mandates help defense…and that is where options become available. He’s currently the only guy on the roster with that ability.

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Something that most people will probably disagree with me about - I actually think Walton is the best passer on the team.

Regardless of whether or not it is out of bounds for a fan to comment on some perceived “tension” between players, I do find it very very odd so many people would be surprised at all that there is tension between different combinations of players–even on a daily basis. You don’t make it onto a D1 team by being a non-competitive personality type. on the court, whether it is practice or a game, they are competing for everything at all times…just the way it is…Even more likely on this team given the injuries to Caris and Levert and the responsibilities and roles that are somewhat up for grabs at this point.

Yeah, on the court you’ll get that. Off the court these guys likely spend the majority of their time with eachother. My friend on the football team was good friends with guys he was competing for starting spots with.

I’ll be honest, I think a lot of teammates dislike each other on a personal level…but you have to make it work on the court. Much more common at the professional level, but I’m sure it exists at the collegiate level as well.

MAAR is great at creating his own shot and that is very nice to see.

I’m just saying that a forward who “can’t create” should have more assists than the 1 or 2 guard in this offense.

I’ll be honest, I think you’re wrong here (at the collegiate level). At the professional level, for sure. It’s a job and a business. At the collegiate level, these players hang out with eachother on and off the court and are usually pretty good friends.