Goaltending - Reviewable?

I have thought for a couple years now that a goaltending call could and should be reviewable. Just wondering if I’m alone in this.
I know it seems that the officials are going to the monitor way too often now, but this call could be a game changer. A big momentum changer! Seems like a pretty simple review. And the fact that a goaltending call is probably made only once a game, I think they should take the time to get it right.

Goaltending and shot clock violations are the two things that have always struck me as things that should be reviewable.

But the way that reviews are handled now, I’d rather just not have reviews and keep the games moving. Doesn’t even seem like they always get things correct these days – even after a lengthy review.

Goaltending and shot clock violations are the two things that have always struck me as things that should be reviewable.

But the way that reviews are handled now, I’d rather just not have reviews and keep the games moving. Doesn’t even seem like they always get things correct these days – even after a lengthy review.

College basketball review is worse than NFL review. Which is saying something. Odd because I think they do a pretty darn good job with college football reviews. And college bball is bad even if you weren’t considering how much they slow the game down.

They should eliminate team timeouts and review more calls. It would probably speed up the games.

Totally agree with umhoops. They take way too long on some rather simple reviews. And others they seem obvious to me and they go the other way, weird.

The thing that bothers me most about the reviews is that they allow the coaches to talk to the team during the review. Often at the end of the game when timeouts are used up or teams are almost out. Seems like a simple solution would be to keep the players on the court, opposite of their bench.

They should eliminate team timeouts and review more calls. It would probably speed up the games.

Three timeouts a game, but can only use 2 each half. So if you don’t use one in the first, it disappears. Last 2 minutes of a game shouldn’t take 15 minutes real time. It is already slowed down enough with teams behind fouling and reviews (which for some reason are not always right, even when blatantly obvious what call should be)

I’d like see each team with two timeouts per half, period. That would eliminate a lot of the silly delays and force teams to play. Kansas just called a timeout after a made Wichita St. basket less than a minute before a TV timeout, because they had four left. I guarantee if they only had two, they never would have done that, and play would have continued.