Game 6: Jackson State at Michigan Open Thread

lol why did BTN randomly put up a graphic saying that Michigan had 3 timeouts left with 17 mins left in the half?

Edit: also because the timeouts left are on the scorebug at all times


Whatā€™s with the Pina Colada shoes bruh?

Llewellyn and Kobe just completely lost. I thought Kobe had had some OK moments on defense this year but heā€™s been really bad today. Llewellyn just doesnā€™t seem to know how to play the role Michigan wants offensively.

Itā€™s not a competition level thingā€¦ Heā€™s played against teams like this beforeā€¦ Has to come down to just understanding how to play out of the offense.


They really had to sell that open three to TWill. He definitely did not look like he was buying on first look.

Edit: He was open twice without giving up the ball.

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Do you see this as something that he can figure out like quickly?

No idea. I canā€™t imagine itā€™ll be fun trying to figure it out against Virginia.


Its getting time to start giving Dug the reps. He might make mistakes, but at least he is confident


At least itā€™s not a late tip


That replay was a pretty clear representation of Llewelyns lack of defense

We said this about Devante/Frankie last year. So, who knows?

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The announcer said Michigan Guards have stepped up tonight. Wondering if I have had too many IPAs tonight nowā€¦


I believe if they had let Dug play through mistakes and upped him to 20+ mins he might be playing even better. Like me some Dugā€¦


I did not say this last year but Iā€™m close to saying it now


Yeah this is a good time to get Dug more burn

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Devante early last year was 5 times better than JL has been this year. He improved over the season but there is no comp here.


Maybe theyā€™re seeing something from JL in practice? Heā€™s playing like Mo Williams late in his career

I like Cody, but sometimes he decides he is going to the basket and overlooks guys for wide open 3ā€™s and gets blocked at the rim. Thatā€™s high school action to me.

NU/Auburn tied at 19 at halftime lol. Gonna be worse than Dayton/Wisconsin


Hunter passing up a wide open pass to Llewelyn

Yeah DeVanteā€™ had some bad habits early (fouls, over help, gambling on D, etc.) but he was more productive and more aggressive. He didnā€™t look like he didnā€™t know how to run the system.