Five takeaways from Michigan's 69-46 win at Indiana

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We are 19-1 with a sputtering offense. The rest of the conference better hope Michigan doesn’t find their groove. Scary!

Excellent On/Off Split chart!!! Really telling!

A lot of talk from Beilein about guys not sprinting on fast breaks and seems very upset with our transition offense. I feel like I haven’ t seen many, if any, Jordan Poole transition threes. What’s his transition three numbers? I recall one or two times against Indiana I thought Simpson had Poole open on the wing and left it to Matthews cutting instead.

Who predicted that Eli Brooks is a member of Michigan’s best defensive unit? I wonder how much of that is fatigue from the starters vs. Eli usually coming in fresh. Or is Brooks just a better defender than Poole?

“Mt. Poole”


Brooks comes out looking very well in those numbers. Team defense is best when he’s on the floor, presumably when he replaces Poole, and team defense doesn’t take a hit when Z exits the game.

Poole’s #'s were the most surprising to me in a negative way.

I’ll admit to being a bit of a Brooks fan. I’m rooting for the kid, so I watch his game with a lot more focus when he’s on the floor. The defensive numbers don’t surprise me that much. Anecdotally, there are times he gives up buckets in isolation, but I swear up and down they’re tough ones. There’s a reason he’s getting so much run this year, and it’s not just because of DDJ’s struggles. Kid is a smart player. Hope he can open it up on offense before the year’s out.


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