Donte Grantham Receives Official Offer

per Sam Webb -

and ESPN -

Personally, I think this is the right move, as Grantham is underrated by most services in my estimation. Good athlete(almost great), good length, above average shooting for his size, decent ballhandling ability.

Assuming Grantham has serious interest, it forces Chatman to think about some things in terms of how serious he is about Michigan.

I think they’d be looking at Grantham and Chatman at different positions. Chatman is probably going to be a pure wing here IMO, unless we decide to go real small. Grantham is a 4 for JB, I believe.

But it’d be nice to get the ball rolling on commitments here soon. I’m getting antsy.

I could see Grantham playing the 3 or 4 and that’s what I like about adding him.

I could see Grantham playing the 3 or 4 and that's what I like about adding him.

I can kind of see that about both Grantham and Chatman (and Bolden). I would not be upset if we took two combo forwards as guard depth is good for now.

I agree this is the right move, not that it matters, but I have complete confidence in the coaching staff. I am NOT completely sold on Grantham because of the limited film I’ve seen of him and others…I think he is probably more polished than other options, but probably has the lower upside based on size and athleticism. He’d probably be a great fit and teammate, which I’m sure played into Michigan’s offer.

Piggybacking off some of the conversation above, I think Michigan does have room for Grantham, Chatman, and Bolden (does that sound like a law firm, or what?) with Chatman as a wing and Grantham and Bolden as combo forwards/stretch 4s.

I am NOT completely sold on Grantham because of the limited film I've seen of him and others...I think he is probably more polished than other options, but probably has the lower upside based on size and athleticism.

Are you referring to Chatman in the above comment? I would not say that Grantham is more polished relative to Chatman/Boldent at this point. Chatman is certainly the superior passer/ballhandler, whereas Bolden is superior to Grantham in terms of shooting.

If anything, Grantham is perhaps a superior athlete, but certainly not more polished with regards to skill set.

I was referring to Grantham, but admit that I’ve only seen 1-2 videos of him, so I could be wrong. Also, I would call Chatman a wing and Grantham and Bolden forwards, so I wouldn’t compare Grantham to Chatman, but to Bolden and Wilson. Grantham may be the more assertive player (maybe not polished) of those three. Like I said, I haven’t seen enough video. Honestly, I’d be happy to get any of the guys we’re recruiting, but I would be most excited about Bolden, Chatman, Blackmon, and Booker, probably in that order.