Detroit Pistons & NBA Talk

There were some Rondo comparisons, mainly for his defense, when he was coming into the league.

We caught a bit of a break: No Jaylen Brown tonight.

Beasley is hoopin

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Game still not technically over as of me posting this but, Pistons going to hit their first 8 game win streak since 07-08

Great win. Played harder hope Thompson isn’t hurt bad.

They said calf cramp on the broadcast so nothing that should keep him out of the next game

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Saw this idea mentioned for a 4 nations nba type deal

Think this could be fun and think there’d be more pride in the areas guys are from than some realize

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None of them would care. They’re not gonna play harder cause their pride for their third of the US

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Yeah, getting them to care is the difficult part

Imagine the guys from Texas and Wisconsin teaming up and being excited for that :joy:

Yeah can’t really replicate 4 nations. In hockey all the players come from like 5 countries…

I actually think you’d get some legit care factor if it was hyper regionalized. Like just a ny/nj/dmv team, a Cali team, a Michigan/ohio/Indiana/Illinois team. You are really making some stretches with the regions that hurts the pride with only 3 us teams.

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Wow. Top 5 are incredible. NY is shockingly bad.


They had the best defensive stretch that I can recall since the Goin’ to Work era. Ausar is lethal and Holland isn’t too far behind him but even Beez and Hardaway were getting after it. And Ausar’s crossover that put Tatum on skates and then his cheeks was something.

Make it U.S. vs. the world. At this point that’d be a pretty good game.

The ASG takes place after like 55 games of an 82 game season, they are all tired and trying to use the week to rest up for the games that matter

There is no format change that will make them take it seriously


Steph goes berserk against the Magic. Pistons now 5 games up in Miami and Orlando to avoid the play-in.

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Play-in is gone dude those teams all stink right now. Question is “4, 5, or 6 seed?”

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3 seed might be in play since they’re 5.5 game back!