Could Next Year Be Even Better Than This Year?

At first glance, most people would say no. However, didn’t everyone say that when Trey and Tim left? How did that turn out? I think that Michigan has a chance to be even better next year because of four key players: Mitch, Derrick Walton, Zak Irvin, and Caris LeVert.

Firstly, I think that Zak Irvin has Nik Stauskas written all over him. What was he used for this year? 3’s. Sounds familiar, right? He wasn’t known to drive in the lane and dunk it, but we all know that he is able to slash. He is more athletic than Nik Stauskas which could make him an even bigger threat. All it depends on is his work ethic if you ask me. I think that Nik will give him some tips and Caris LeVert can help him out as well.

The next guy on my list is Derrick Walton. He is another guy that didn’t get the chance to do a whole lot, but he could be vital next year. Derrick is a glue guy if you ask me. He can rebound, slash, shoot, pass, hustle, and defend well. I don’t think he is the next Trey Burke, simply because they’re two totally different players, but Trey was great at what he did and I think that Derrick can be great at what he does.

A lot of people suspect that next year Caris LeVert will be “the man” on the team just like Nik Stauskas and Trey Burke were. In my opinion, he is a mixture of Stauskas and Robinson. Another thing that I like about him is that he still has good games even when the team is doing bad (scored 24 in the loss to Duke, 22 in the loss to Iowa, and 25 in the loss to Wisconsin). He has a great work ethic (if you watched the games you’d know that the announcers don’t shut up about how much muscle he has gained last summer). Next year he will be an experienced Junior that has been to a National Championship and an Elite Eight. In my opinion, he will be the most experienced player on the team (considering Mitch is more like a Sophomore).

Finally there is Mitch. Some people are probably surprised that I put him on this list because he hasn’t announced, but I think that he will stay. Even if the surgery turns the Mitch that we saw dominate March Madness into a slow and inefficient player, he still has something that an injury can’t touch- being 6’10 and 255 pounds. As long as he can rebound and defend the paint, there is not much else that we really need from him.

I think that those four players will drive Michigan deep in March, and hopefully even into April. None of those players will likely be as good as Trey Burke or even Nik Stauskas, although LeVert and Irvin have a shot, but instead we will have four great contributors. I think that John Beilein’s system can take advantage of all the talent on the team, and next year could be an even better season.

With Mitch, a much better perimeter and interior defense

AdjO may not be #1 but still top 5 imo

With Mitch, a much better perimeter and interior defense

AdjO may not be #1 but still top 5 imo

True but the defense would be much better.

I agree that McGary staying and staying healthy is the key to whether we can approach the success of the last two seasons in 2014-15. LeVert has the potential to be one of the best big guards in the conference, and Walton has the potential to be one of the best point guards. Strong guard play, combined with a dominant, active big man can take you a long way, and we’ve got enough other guys in the mix to give us a lot of possibilities.

As far as Irvin goes, I’m not quite as sold on him as a locked-in starter as most everyone else seems to be. As a freshman, his game was very one dimensional, far more so than either Stauskas or LeVert as freshmen. Not that I don’t think he’ll improve at all, but I didn’t really even see flashes of potential from him in areas other than 3 point shooting. At this point, I don’t think it’s by any means a given that our best rotation won’t have him as the first guy off the bench.

Despite not having played last year, I see Donnal as being more of a contributor than Irvin next year. He gives us the possibility of playing a bigger lineup without sacrifice outside shooting.

Stauskas was a Great Player, but I think Both LeVert and Irvin will be even better. Stauskas was not the end all, we have recruited some nice players over the years, for some reason Stauskas has gained sort of a rare air theme around here and I cant comprehend it, I mean I just cant. I truly can see another of our players having a season on par with Stauskas season, for those who try to step around it with statements that none will likely be good as Trey or Stauskas, that makes not a bit of sense to me, I can see others take it to an even higher level. The team may not achieve the success as previous years but individual stats can indeed be surpassed.

I think LeVert could very well have as good a season as Stauskas, and be in the POY mix in the Big Ten, but Irvin just didn’t impress me that much last season. Good shooter, but he didn’t show much in other facets of the game. I expected to see more of an all-around game from him, but passing, rebounding, creating his own shot, transition play and driving to the basket were not much in evidence.

The offensive scheme JB runs will generate wins with the talent level on the team. Adding wing depth is important for quality improvement in practice. I think you really need 10 guys who can compete in the gym to get better. I go back to the LeVert/Burke battles that we often heard about.

You might say UM is now creeping into the top ten programs in the country. Especially given the results with 3/4 star players vs. teams with 4/5 guys. UM may not be a destination for the top 10 kids but if you work hard they will compete and get first round opps in the league.

Really hope Mitch comes back but the longer it goes…I have my doubts. I can see the late first round pick for him, too many intangibles with a high motor, good passer and his best friend is gone.

As for Stauskas, what a great player in a system that fit him like a glove. He is the prototypical fit for the JB spread offense. I look for the Texas kid McQuaid to sign this year with similar results. The PNR offense gets these kids into the NBA and is a great showcase for shooters.

The team is solid with excellent spread capabilities. Irvin and Walton will be great players next year. As for Caris his first step might be the best in the B1G, its not only his quickness but his gait. The kid is crazy long and given the green light look out! Not everyone gets the green light…Nik/Glen had it but not everyone. Wow…the freshman!

Go Blue.

That kind of success would be all about McGary staying, at least as I see it. Re: Irvin. I was really impressed in one of those highlight videos by the way he led the team in one of those pre-game chants where everyone interlaces arms. He was riffing like wildfire, and everyone was loving it: leadership. A lot of Beilein’s success is about the intangibles, and I have to assume that both Ali and Dawkins are going to bring them.

Mattski, that is something that I noticed about Irvin as well. He seems like a real character, we just haven’t been able to see enough of him on the basketball court to get a feel for his persona. Leadership and aggressiveness go a long way when it comes to basketball, and based on that tiny bit of information, I’m excited for what he can do when he is given more responsibility.

If McGary comes back, the potential is there. I really like the culture of work ethic we have established here. Almost every player has improved quite a bit from their freshman to sophomore seasons under JB. If Irvin and Walton put in the work in the offseason, and good things we’ve heard about Donnal are at least close to true, I expect consistent contribution from all three. Caris is going to continue to understand the game and if he adds some more muscle again this offseason, he’s gonna have a great season. Chatman should adjust to the college game pretty well too. Spike will be Spike, MAAR should provide some depth, and I hope one of Wilson and Doyle is ready to play. Just one being able to hold the fort down should be able to provide us with depth at the 4 or 5. Either that, or Max needs to be able to contribute.

I think LeVert could very well have as good a season as Stauskas, and be in the POY mix in the Big Ten, but Irvin just didn't impress me that much last season. Good shooter, but he didn't show much in other facets of the game. I expected to see more of an all-around game from him, but passing, rebounding, creating his own shot, transition play and driving to the basket were not much in evidence.

Coming out of high school he had the driving ability. I expect him to make a big leap in his secomd year like Nik and LeVert.