College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

Thought this was weird but then looked and they are 3-19! Losing McCollum was just brutal for them.

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Stanford vs Zona is nuts right now.

Watching Stanford right now, can’t believe we beat them.

Decent matching for us style wise but still surprised

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You gotta blame the players Kim…

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I’m still a fan of Sir Kim English, Lord of the Hardwoods.


In this NIL era, how much more of this are we going to see? (Although to be fair, “boosters” have been pulling strings for a while.)

Trilly says it’s fake.

The more interesting booster thing is going to be buyouts vs NIL. Curry Hicks Sage guy on Twitter spaces was talking about it with Oklahoma State.

Do you pay a big buyout? Or kick in $2 million into an NIL budget? Usually the same boosters are paying both.

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This might be the year Barnes breaks through.

They are good

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hey, you’re stealing @DMB43’s bit

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That’s weak.

Not sure if anyone mentioned it, but Detroit Mercy is currently winless at 0-24. Maybe Antonie Davis is worth 14 wins? /s

I could have told you that


Also, is Detroit Mercy the worst job in college basketball?

They have:

  • Low Budget
  • Bad location
  • Facilities hasn’t been updated in decades
  • Hasn’t won since the 90s
  • No one wants the job
  • Low fan turnout

UDM has IUPUI at home next week which is their chance to win. Shockingly, IUPUI is rated below them on KP. Somehow the Horizon League has 2 of the 4 worst teams in all of cbb. Brutal. Top of the league is solidly healthy though

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What really is the difference between Calihan Hall and Cameron Indoor? I’ve been to both and they seem very similar. Somehow the dump called Cameron (or that Philly place) gets great PR and is a must for any fan. To me, UofD needs to find a good local coach and recruit the local Detroit talent and become Detroit’s team once again. I guess the problem may be that Detroit high school basketball talent isn’t what it used to be.

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my grandpa went to U of D

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I think atmosphere is a factor between both venues. The crowds do get into the game at Duke where the attendance is sparse at Detroit.

Your additional point about Detroit recruiting is true. It’s not what it used to be in the 90s where Detroit can get leftovers and still field a strong team.

Was he a hooper? Did he shoot some bball while he was there? Any slam jams at Calihan Hall?

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Yeah Perry Watson was kicking ass with almost all Detroit kids


He had an in with the Detroit kids which Steve Fischer smartly recognized at the time.


Great restaurants near that campus.

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