Charles Matthews tears ACL in pre-draft workout

Completely sucks. Matthews did everything right, had a solid plan and did everything that was asked of him. And now he’s stuck with massive bills and unable to make money. I don’t know if agencies help out with that kind of thing considering their clients are considered investments to them.

He was a player that I thought would make a good coach one day. I hope his NBA dreams still work out, but if not I hope we can bring him back for a GA position eventually or something like that.

I wouldn’t jump to conclusions on the bill. With that kind of investment involved it seems highly unlikely that these athletes are trying out without knowing they are insured (either individually or through the Celtics). Since he injured himself during what is essentially a job interview, unless he signed a waiver, I can’t see how the Celtics/NBA aren’t responsible to cover him. And now way his agent is OKing a waiver if he doesn’t have healthcare coverage. Many players also have insurance to protect them in care injury causes them to miss out on money they would have earned.
This is a tough setback for Mathews but we might want to wait for real info before deciding he has no insurance.

“amateur” by definition of NCAA? not sure if who cares anymore

Yeah, I would have to think it’s common or expected practice for the agent to set up insurance against injury as soon as they sign with the agency. Too risky to work out for teams and see something like this happen.

Personally, I just feel bad for Charles. He always seemed to give everything to UM basketball - one of the guys you feel proud was part of the program. Was really rooting for him to make his mark as a defensive specialist. Seeing what kind of character he has, I know he’ll crush rehab/recovery and be back on the court soon.


Love Charles Matthews. Best of luck for a full and speedy recovery.


I echo all these comments. extremely bad luck. Didn’t one of our other former players one not named Caris Levert get injured in workouts for the NBA a few years back?

MAAR broke his foot before or during workouts if I’m not mistaken. I think it was before.


Charles Matthews last year

Beilein can get him a good summer job while he recovers. Then he can get him a good winter job next year.


I would donate definately.

Yeah that’s right. I remember now. Thanks!

I expect Charles will sign soon, hoping for Cleveland. They have two undersized guards and Charles could support them with his defense.

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I guess I don’t get why anyone would sign Charles to a contract right now. He’s gonna spend the next 5-6 months rehabbing