Burns Park/Ann Arbor Pickup Games?

I’ll be back in A2 this week & curious if anyone has insight on where the decent outdoor basketball games are now.

Back when I graduated (98) Burns Park had a fairly competitive late PM/evening game in the summertime with a good mix of UG/GR students & townies but obviously that’s awhile ago. Thanks

It’s been awhile for me as well but there’s a really nice court on Ellsworth somewhere between Ypsi/Ann Arbor. I think it used to be a Nike P.L.A.Y. court.

As an update I got out to Burns Park earlier this week & had just enough people (mostly UG-aged) to run. One of the guys was in law school & said its usually pretty full so that’s encouraging. I might try & hit it again this evening depending on my schedule.

I’ve been to the Ellsworth courts before & they are pretty nice. Mostly wanted to hit BP again for the nostalgia factor. Apparently you can go home again…

Used to play at BP in the late 60s, early 70s. Michigan players often showed up. Cut off shorts, half gallon of orange juice, Chuck Taylor high tops, chain link nets. Those were the days.