Big Ten Basketball 2020-21 Discussion (Part 1)

I think for some of these guys coming off of major injuries (see: Alex Smith, NFL) they want to come back to prove to themselves and everyone else that they are going out on their own terms, not because of injury. They want to show that they can still do it.

I think Langford probably falls into that category. Maybe he thinks he’s still got a shot at playing pro ball somewhere, but just as likely he realizes that being part of MSU’s rotation may be his last chance to show what he can do on a basketball court so why not give it all you have? I think that’s why Spike transferred to Purdue too.

If he’s healthy and can play to his full potential which might just be unlikely than he is a good player. I could see him making a third team or in that are. Maybe honorable mention status if the big ten even does that.

Towns and Aikens weren’t normal Ivy league guys. I know you know they were both top recruits. I believe they both finished top 100, maybe top120 or so. Either way they were both legit four stars that could have played just about anywhere.

I really don’t think the jump in play from Ivy League to big ten will effect them at all. I really question if Towns will be healthy enough to reach his potential. That is more my concern for him than comp level imo


I hope they do a better job than they did with football. The key is to have flexibility built in to deal with the likely Covid issues.

I read that they polled the ADs about front loading the schedule so they would have more flexibility to reschedule games. 12-2 in support. We might see three games a week early on.


This seems like a good idea. As things are blowing up again I really think they should be thinking about pods or bubbles.

Three a weeks probably suck a bit for the players, but I will selfishly eat that much basketball up with pleasure


Looks like OSU is getting a late addition add to the season. Not sure how it will work. At semester?

Some more info here:

Really? Sounds like he will play in January based on that article

“Due to NCAA rules passed stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, Johnson will be able to play in the 2020-21 season while retaining his freshman year of eligibility“

Yeah – misread that. My bad. Not exactly sure how that all works.

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Joey Hauser did the same thing at Marquette. He was injured and missing the rest of his senior year of HS so he enrolled a semester early to rehab and RS. That actually came back to bite him since he was denied immediate eligibility last year and couldn’t use it as his RS year, so now he’s a RS JR instead of a RS SO.

Basically Johnson will be a freshman version of LLP transferring to Michigan a decade ago.

There’s no real downside to this move with eligibility not counting, and OSU definitely needs bodies in the back court this year, but I can’t imagine he’ll be playing a major role this year.

That’s crazy LLP was a decade ago.


I remember the hype for him. Not exactly what we thought. Does anyone remember the whole story? Why did he transfer from Arizona after five games?

It felt wild typing it out

That list sucks but it’s also not surprising


Geo Baker is a ridiculous pick. He’s not the best player on Rutgers.


So was Geo hyped before all the Andy Katz stuff or did he singlehandedly start the Geo Baker hype train?

Edit: looks like Geo was 3rd team all conference (which was dumb) so yeah not surprising that the same people would put him on this team

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