B1G tournament outlook

While it is a long shot for us to win the tournament, we seem to put up good fights vs the good teams. I think that we can give some teams scares in the tournament. I believe that Kameron Chatman should start getting minutes over Dawkins as he is outplaying him in less minutes, also hopefully Walton will be back taking a spot in the starting lineup over MAAR. Beilfeldt needs to see more minutes over Doyle as he is clearly the hotter hand. I think we can go out with a bang heading into next season!

Chatman is starting to show what he can do lately. I like how he is coming on.

I like you hope Walton comes back, and soon. He eliminates those lulls that are created when we are forced to insert Dakich and Lonergan. If either Dakich or Lonergan have to play, it will only be for a minute or two instead of eight minutes. We can allow MAAR to play off the ball. Same with Spike when he is in with Walton.

I’d still play Dawkins quite a bit. He is a great athlete. He has got to stay out of foul trouble though.

As far as the big men go, I say you got with whoever is the hottest hand. Sometimes, its Bielfeldt other times its Doyle. Its not always pretty with Bielfeldt, but he does a pretty good job overall, though I wish he didn’t miss so many wide open threes. He has got to nail those.

When Walton comes back, I think it will light a spark for this team. It will ease the burden on Spike and Irvin.

The draw would have been sweet if we landed on the 10 or 7 line, but it’s almost a certainty that we land on the 8/9 line. Either way, the first round would have be a 50/50 toss up game, but I think Maryland is beatable on a neutral floor. Wisconsin not so much.

I think we have a better shot of beating Wisconsin playing our 2nd game than our 3rd or 4th game in a row. If Walton comes back then I believe we can beat anybody but cannot really seeing us winning the whole thing due to everybody playing so many minutes.

Just our year luck wise. Lose a lot of close games and then we fall into the absolute worst possible spot conference tournament wise with the 8/9 slot.

I keep expecting Walton to return and that definitely changes expectations.

There is a scenario where we could fall to #10 but that involves us losing to Rutgers and Minnesota winning their last two games (both at home) to Wisconsin and Penn State ----so very unlikely.

For both the fans and the players, the season needs to end. The players have faced nothing but bad luck with all the injuries. Also, they have played a lot of games and not using a lot of sports. There is nothing they can do to stop some of this, and they need a break and the offseason to start sooner.

For both the fans and the players, the season needs to end. The players have faced nothing but bad luck with all the injuries. Also, they have played a lot of games and not using a lot of sports. There is nothing they can do to stop some of this, and they need a break and the offseason to start sooner.

The injury aspect has certainly been bad luck, but let’s not act as if the coaching has been wonderful this season, even accounting for the injuries. I think we could certainly have won 2-3 more games if the in -game coaching were better…most likely sitting at 9-8 or 10-7 in B10 right now if coaching were better, with a slim chance to get to the tourney. Beilein is a good coach overall, as the guys have obviously played tough considering the circumstances, but the past few weeks have been a bit frustrating from a coaching standpoint.