Austin Hatch Goes on Medical Scholarship

Release from official Michigan athletics website

Must have been a tough decision for him, glad he will get to use the system as it’s intended and get his degree. Hope the NCAA will allow him to play for his Senior Day.

Good to know that they’ll be keeping him fully involved with the team including travel. I seem to recall reading that he wanted to go into medicine – however, in this role he could also get a head start on a coaching career if he wanted. Not sure if his health allowed him to be a full member of the scout team last year, but presumably as an assistant he can still participate in scrimmages and continue to develop his game for his own benefit and that of the team.

The million dollar question: what does the timing of this say about 2015 recruiting?

Good to know that they'll be keeping him fully involved with the team including travel. I seem to recall reading that he wanted to go into medicine -- however, in this role he could also get a head start on a coaching career if he wanted. Not sure if his health allowed him to be a full member of the scout team last year, but presumably as an assistant he can still participate in scrimmages and continue to develop his game for his own benefit and that of the team.

The million dollar question: what does the timing of this say about 2015 recruiting?

will not read too much into the timing. The press release came after the approval from Big Ten.

I think this will be good for Austin and good for the program.

Pretty clear that this had been in the works for weeks based on Michigan’s recruiting patterns. Just had to finalize it.

Dylan do you think this gives any indication of an upcoming commitment? Obviously this has been worked on for awhile but was it an option for Beilein. Meaning the option was there and approved if he wanted to do it or just kind of keep it in his back pocket if the scholarship was needed?

Dylan do you think this gives any indication of an upcoming commitment? Obviously this has been worked on for awhile but was it an option for Beilein. Meaning the option was there and approved if he wanted to do it or just kind of keep it in his back pocket if the scholarship was needed?

I’ve said that I think Michigan should have a good shot at Kenny Williams and no one is quite sure what is going on with Jaylen Brown. However, this has been in process for a while now and that’s WHY Michigan was continuing to recruit those kids. So I think it’s hard to read into it as anything more than that.

Either Brown or Williams would be solid additions to next years roster. If neither of them commit I would bank the scholarship. Next year will be tight with scholarships again without attrition.

Back to topic of the thread congrats to Hatch and best of luck in his future. It is a truly great story! Beilein is a class act coach.

good for him for making the tough decision.

Whether or not it indicates anything about Brown or Williams, at least it sends an unequivocal message that the spot is available, and is Brown’s for the taking.