A small tweak on the forum

You should now be able to choose an emoji as your reaction rather than just a :heart: for “liking” a post.

Open to suggestions if we don’t have enough emojis or if one doesn’t make sense.

I believe you may have to “long press” on mobile to see the reactions.


Can we get a Juwan emoji?


The :part_alternation_mark: would be a good add


Have you seen a Juwan emoji before? I think I can add custom ones but not sure what that would even be :rofl:

Sweating emoji might be useful when we have Game Threads. (Or gritted teeth or fingers crossed.)


I’ve used this as an emoji in Discord and it works well.

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Is there a reason I can’t change my reaction on specific posts? On my phone I was able to change my reaction on Dylan’s OP earlier once he added the M emoji, but now on my desktop if I hover over the react button I get the red circle with a line. Same on the first response to Dylan’s post. If I react to a newer post however, I can still unlike and change my reaction?

Is there a timeout to changing your reactions? Or is this just a slight bug? Not a huge deal either way, just curious.

Also… Instagram OneBoxes (preview/embeds) should work now.


I’m guessing it might be because I changed the emojis? Not completely sure, will have to keep testing.

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Wow, a throwback to the old days when there was a dislike button and people would get super mad if it was used and not explained why.

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I got my first angry emoji reaction. I feel a rush of adrenaline

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Feed us the emojis to make us forget about the oppressive swear filter. I see you, Dylan.


I am devastated emojis didn’t exist during the Great Buckets12 Iowa Fan Run of 2020


I am seeing this behavior again this morning. Wanted to change my reaction to a comment and am getting the :no_entry_sign: with a pop-up message stating, “You can’t remove this reaction.”

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I believe there’s some sort of timer and you can’t change a reaction after that. So if you reacted or liked something last night you can’t remove it in the morning.


Woof, pretty sure I knew that but had forgotten. Thanks for the reminder.

So use the reaction button carefully! :rofl:

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Don’t drink and react! :open_mouth: