2024 Olympic Basketball

Good to see Franz make shots in a “big” game. 3-ball is still probably permanently broken but getting any sense of confidence back in it is the first step.

Couldn’t tell if he was deferring or if Schroeder was hogging the ball a little too much but Franz was iced out a bit down the stretch


I thought it was because of his defense.

Presumably that would be the reason he dropped.

Personally since he was playing in a a lineup with Tatum, Bam, and AD I wouldn’t be worried about PG defense much but the decision seems to have been made

Because he’s big hat no cattle. Throwing shade at players in FIBAs when he and Ant are the only players on this team… There are better fits than Tyrese. Im sure if USA wins he will take victory laps and disparage others.

Do you have the specific quote that has offended you so much?


“I hate Burgerboy82’s mom.” - Tyrese Halliburton

My mom passed a many years ago. Just what he said in interviews distancing himself from 2023. Win or lose he was still part of it. Just own ut.

I was just genuinely asking for the quotes cause I can’t find much

He did own it.


Also said this to The Athletic in Nov 2023:

“Still not over it. It’s frustrating,” Haliburton told Joe Vardon of The Athletic. "Everybody was mad, of course, but it’s like, for me, I haven’t won since like my sophomore year in college (at Iowa State). So it’s just like really opened my eyes to some real stuff in my life, honestly. It was like, ‘I got to change my habits and certain things to be tired of losing.’ I’m not a loser, it’s not what I do. And I’m not going to let that continue to be what I am.

“So everybody keeps asking, ‘What are your individual goals this year?’ I just want to win, like, I’m tired of losing. Been frustrating the last couple of years, but I think that USA stuff kind of really opened my eyes. I can’t continue to do this in my life.”

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I think you understand I am not actually sincerely referring to your mother.

Regardless, I’ve googled and found 3 or 4 quotes from him about FIBA and had a hard time finding something offensive

This is roughly the rotation Kerr has gone with for the last two games. I had to do some estimation cause the box scores are incomplete. And I’m kind of averaging the two games.

pg sg sf pf c
Steph 23 Holliday 19 Booker 23 Lebron 24 Embiid 20
White 17 Edwards 21 Tatum 17 Bam 16 Davis 19
Bam 1

Overall, Don’t love this at all, really. Booker being the 3rd guy is genuinely asinine. If you need a 6’5ish player to just be a connecting piece with Lebron/Embiid/Steph then I don’t understand how Booker is obviously the best choice there. Somehow he’s become tied to Steph and Lebron. The other big issue I have is with Bam. He’s a center. He played Center in Tokyo, and did it well. He should not be our main backup 4. That’s crazy. There’s no reason Tatum shouldn’t get one of those shifts at the 4, which would open up things offensively for him I think.

White and Hali have both made quotes about how their job is just to pass. Hali even referenced Jason Kidd who took like 10 shots in 2008. But Haliburton and White are better scorers than 2008 Jason Kidd and can’t just not ever shoot, which is what has happened the last two games.

Then there’s the Durant thing. If he plays, ideally he should be taking most of his minutes from Bam. But Joe Vardon, the Athletic writer that’s on the US beat at the moment, keep referencing Booker or White dropping out of the rotation for Durant. Which if it’s Booker I will be fine with but let’s be real that seems extremely unlikely. Not sure if Vardon can be trusted as I think he’s been wrong with his lineup speculation before but at least worth noting he keeps saying that. If it’s White that drops out then I just don’t even know.


How much of the problem is they have effectively 3 5’s on the team and only have minutes for 2 of them?

That’s part of it but they chose the team! Also historically they’ve had 3rd centers before and chosen not to play them much if at all. They’ve never had 3 this good before so I get why you’d play one at the 4 some, but I think it should be a change up not a regular strategy

Yeah it seems like Kerr is just making this stupid hard on himself. I think basically any of the non-5s playing in some combination make enough sense to win gold. Having 2 non-shooting 5s playing next to each other just seems dumb.

I get that there’s a lot of ego juggling here but constructing obvious lineups and just rotating the 3 bigs separately from the hockey line changes seems really easy to do.

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I’m not a huge NBA guy, but how is Tatum getting so few minutes on this team? Not only could he play the 3 or 4 as needed, but he can shoot and I’m pretty sure one of the things that makes him effective is his willingness to be a connective piece or role player as needed. He’s not a guy who has to have the ball to be effective. Bam’s good and a solid defender, but redundant. Maybe they’re just messing around a bit to keep guys happy and healthy until it counts…but Booker and Bam getting so many minutes is odd.

I’d look at it as “everyone is at 20 minutes +/- 3”

He was on PMT maybe a month ago. He came off as extremely arrogant. Also on McAfee maybe the same time or so

Totally agree, but…

Society when AD and Bam are on defense together and anchor the front court:

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pardon my take and pat macafee huh