Happy Father's Day 2024

That was an incredible story. Knocking out Duncan? Nicknamed by JB? Should go down in the annals of Dad lore.


I remember a game as a kid called sign-out and I think it was the same game.

Great story!

Though now it seems like @DMB43 should really be “Son of DMB” or JMB.


my thoughts exactly. DMB going by DMB is stolen valor


Yes, our names are screwed up. I was on this board for quite a while before I even realized that DMB son was on the board. I never posted and rarely read the forums.
He found my login info and began reading the board and posting, and basically took over my account. By the time I started reading and occasionally posting everyone knew DMB as the Maize Rage student. So when I decided to create my own account it made sense to create a new one for me and to leave the other for him


Not gonna lie, this is exactly what I assumed had happened.


That was delicious. Favorite passage:

“The game would end this way and DMB dad was named MVP (in my mind at least).”

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