Can’t tell if Dug playing free is helping Kobe and team feel loose whereas JL was playing tight
Or if this is just Minnesota
Can’t tell if Dug playing free is helping Kobe and team feel loose whereas JL was playing tight
Or if this is just Minnesota
Dug has won my heart tonight.
Yeah I basically skimmed it looking for Kobe and when I didn’t see him, just shot from the hip.
I know it’s been a rough month but Jett just scored a billion points in our opener
sheepishly raises hand
We have to root out these Bryant truthers.
There’s a different pace and movement. Maybe it’s not sustainable and I don’t think Dug shoots as well every night….but….it looks better.
(body is very clear)
Lol shot from the hip
Oh my goodness
Oh my Dug.
Oh my goodness Dug
ok that switch hands thing was disgusting
Wow, the split and the finish, wowwwww
Imagine being rational and logical and not thinking Dug is NPOY caliber
Wow Dug Just did the “bitter beer face”
I actually don’t hate JL off the bench next year if he’s healed. Could do alot worse as a depth guard.