Game 20: Michigan at Indiana Open Thread

I’ll get rid of them when I get back home, for sure!

Every single student section in America has a banana guy. People need to be more creative. Our Bee-line is pretty cool.

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Hoosier Bob working the shot clock already.

Seems twice as amped in there as the Kohl Center.

I didn’t realize the shot clocks weren’t linked.

No students at Wisconsin last weekend. And Assembly Hall > Kohl Center.

I think they are supposed to be.

“Have you tried unplugging it and then plugging it back in?!”


I’m just waiting for them to drag out some ancient analog clock from a back room and use that dusty thing to keep the time on.

Please Matthews, no errors in the first two minutes.

They should check the clocks before the game to make sure they work.

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Move the game to the Hickory gym.

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That’s just too crazy… let’s be realistic here

Sounds good to me. Their baskets are 10 feet high, too.


How big was that ?

Ha what a dumbass

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I guess the tv shot clock doesn’t work either.

So FS1’s shot clock is broke too?

Oof, I suck at this.

Bullsh*t chant at an obvious travel. I thought this was a basketball school?