Detroit Pistons & NBA Talk

Chris Paul merchant iyam

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Monty was bad enough this year that you canā€™t bring him back. And if the Pistons are so stuck in a bad ownership spiral that they canā€™t even hire a decent coach then theyā€™re easily the worst franchise in the league and we should start a new thread.

Monty Williams did us a favor by playing Killian to force them to finally get rid of him. Did you guys really think the Piston were going to improve enough to make the play in game last year. There is no coach that could have pulled that off with this roster. Langdon will not last long if he does not have a direct communication path to Gores and has to take cues from Arn Tellem.

Also mentions Sweeney, Bryant and Quinn.

The Pistons were going to trade or cut Killian last off-season until Monty intervened. If any, Monty did not do the Pistons any favor by forcing Weaver to keep him because he thinks he can fix him.

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Cleveland, pls hire Borrego before Langdon has a chance to get him! Even then, Cleveland is in a better situation than the Pistons but might have a shorter leash relative to the Pistons.

Itā€™s very interesting to see the reaction of the Monty Williams firing. People who arenā€™t the Pistons fans and didnā€™t watch them play at all thought that Monty got a raw deal, while those who are the Pistons fans or watched them play thought that Monty did a terrible job.

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I definitely think fans who are close to the team donā€™t necessarily know better than others - living and dying with every result makes people search out scapegoats and talking with other fans on the internet deepens that effect. but there are just so many red flags with monty that are hard to ignore

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I thought he was decent in New Orleans based upon what he worked with. Just to put it in perspective the Pistons under Gores donā€™t pay players they pay coaches. That should change with Cade whether you like it or not. Thatā€™s a huge indictment on Gores and Langdon has to change that immediately.

Williams was really bad for whatever reason, which honestly surprised me.

Donā€™t know much about Borrego, but just from what Iā€™ve read and heard, Atkinson or Bickerstaff would be way better options. Hoping for the best, but really hard to trust the Piston front office at this point.

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Isnā€™t keeping your stars happy a prerequisite as a coach in the NBA today? Maybe he would be good because Iā€™m not sure they have a starā€¦

They pushed him out before Atkinson ever got the chance to coach them so KD and Kyrie can have their guy in Steve Nash.

The Nets were scrappy, young underdog team who punched above their weight into a playoff team under Atkinson. You can see the season to season progress under Atkinson. He deserves a 2nd shot at the coaching job.

Good news is the Pistons front office is new with Langdon and Blackstone running the team. As long as Arn and Gores can stay out of their wayā€¦

Thatā€™s fine I just wonder why heā€™s not a head coach now. Itā€™s been 4 years now has he had any interviews since then???

He just had interview with the Cavs. He turned down the Hornets job last year.

I can see the Hornets and turning it down. He should take the Cavs gig if offered.

Borrego is rumored to be the favorite for the head coaching job. I hope he takes it to remove himself from the Pistons consideration.

NBA gigs are super hard to come by. Your boy Monty went 4 years without a HC gig after NOP

Thatā€™s fair. Heā€™s not my boy and yes he was stealing money in a sense.They werenā€™t winning many more games though with that roster. I just think this is a rash decision by Langdon. Going scorched earth 2 weeks into your tenure and not even talking to the media seems weird to me.

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Iā€™m ambivalent. Gores is the biggest problem with the team and they had 30 different players on the roster this year (only a handful of which will be in the NBA next year) so Monty was lower on my list of the teamā€™s problems.

That being said, I leaned towards wanting a new coach because it shows that Langdon has the freedom to make the calls. Hopefully, Gores learned that heā€™s a moron and should just stay away until heā€™s asked to sign a check.