Detroit Pistons & NBA Talk

He probably didn’t forget how to coach, but maybe he doesn’t have the desire to put in the effort anymore? He didn’t want to coach last year. I can understand if his wife was sick he might just not want to put in the work necessary to be an elite NBA coach right now.


If that is the case, he should not have taken the job. No matter how much he was being offered to coach. One would hope Monty has some integrity.

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I’m sure he has integrity and wanted to do a good job. At his intro press conference though he said he had fully planned to not coach while his wife went through cancer treatment, but Tom Gores’ generous offer was one he couldn’t pass up.

This is not a Monty issue. This is a Pistons organization issue. Clean up on isle 13. Trajan Langdon you are on the clock.


You may be right. It is possible he found out he was in over his head (given the Pistons’ roster and front office challenges) after he took the job.

Monty said in his intro press conference that he was there for the money.

From what I understand, Langdon made the recommendation to fire Monty and Gore signed off on it. That is perfectly fine to me

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He told the Pistons no multiple times. The integrity move would have been on Gores’ part to stop increasing the offer. At some point, the money is too good to say no to. He could never work again and maintain an incredibly high standard of living with this contract. Set his family up for generations.


Wonder if they were waiting on a Mavs or Celtics assistant?

I’m surprised Langdon wanted Monty gone.

Firing the last regime’s coach is generally the first get out of jail free card a new GM gets (ie, you wait until the results are bad)


Charles Lee was in the coaching pool last year.

So does this mean no Fred Vinson? :sweat_smile:

Fred Vinson is hired independent of the coaching staff. James Edwards said just as much when the hiring was announced. Everyone thought Monty was safe but JEIII said hold up on it.

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tom gores is a huge idiot. it’s impossible to be successful with that level of incompetence, meddling, and dysfunction at the top.


James Edwards lists: James Borrego, Sean Sweeney, Johnny Bryant, Micah Nori, Jerome Allen, Chris Quinn, and Will Weaver as candidates. He mentioned to keep an eye on the first three.

It’s a lot of Casey assistant coaches with the Pistons. Do not like it at all.

Chris Quinn and Johnny Bryant are intriguing candidates to me.

I do not understand the league’s insistence on giving Borrego another head coaching gig

Some guys get canned and you can see he had a really rough deal (Mike Brown, Michael Malone, Kenny Atkinson, honestly JB Bickerstaff), Borrego isn’t one.

I’m not a huge fan of the retreads unless they got a raw deal first or have shown some massive growth.

It’s hard to say much about the others. Obviously have a little skepticism about the guys with Pistons ties, because that shouldn’t matter (and if it does, shouldn’t it be disqualifying?). We aren’t really in a great position to know who the hot shots are. Quinn has been talked about for years for every job, obviously has the pedigree, wonder why he never got one?


That’s a terrible list of coaches and none of them have had the success of Williams. I have been a Pistons fan for 30+ years of my life and I have never had the feeling of apathy but it’s pretty much arrived.

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It’s also not like he has some amazing and long track record. He had the 2 really good Suns seasons, and 2 mediocre Suns seasons. And now one of the most horrific coaching jobs I’ve seen. So not sure there’s really much to indicate he’s actually anything beyond a replacement level coach.

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Monty is probably an above average coach but that’s heavily mitigated by the fact he did not care

Saying things like “we have guys who can knock it down, like Killian Hayes” belies a pretty heavy “yeah whatever, DGAF” vibe


I prefer Atkinson. He got unfairly pushed out of Brooklyn bc of KD and Kyrie.

Johnnie Bryant is very intriguing because he coached under Snyder and Thibs. He was a player development coach so he fits the criteria of player development and maybe modern scheme from Snyder and Thibs?

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